Increase the Value and Safety of your Home with CenturyPly Sainik 710 Plywood
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Increase the Value and Safety of your Home with CenturyPly Sainik 710 Plywood


Sainik 710 or Asli Waterproof Plywood is one of the go-to wood materials for every part of the house. Apart from adding details and aesthetics, it holds great characteristics, making it a first choice. It is suitable for termite-prone areas and any weather conditions. The article brings forward more details on Sainik 710 plywood, leaving you awestruck with its properties.

Table of Contents

Applications of Sainik 710 plywood

      ◆ Kitchens

      ◆ Living room

      ◆ Side table

      ◆ Restroom

      ◆ Decorations

Benefits of Sainik 710 Plywood

Applications of Sainik 710 plywood

Some common applications are as follows:


Kitchen surfaces face difficult stains and burns, and shelves face water. Sainik 710  plywood can combat such and many more issues without being deteriorated. It comes with strength and durability along with the weight-bearing capacity of heavy utensils and kitchen equipment. The borer and termite resistance ensures longevity in pest-prone areas. The easy formation of cabinets and drawers makes them a suitable choice for carpenters as well.

​​​​​​​Living room

The prime requirement of a living room apart from longevity is beauty and aesthetics. The furniture and decoration should complement the interiors. Sainik 710 plywood ensures all the characteristics along with strength making it appropriate for use as a sofa, TV table, coffee table, showpiece, and other items.

Side table

These are decorative pieces serving use as well. Waterproof and durable quality plywood can form a side table.​​​​​​​


A place for refreshment, the restroom is a place with the constant connection of water. The wood used here needs to be moisture-resistant. Moreover, the bathroom cabinet also requires dimensional stability and resistance to environmental conditions. Sainik 710 is premium quality BWP grade plywood appropriate for use in restrooms.


Sainik 710 plywood, added with the design of CenturyLaminates, holds the potential to become antique. A unique design in a piece of furniture can become the room's focus.

Besides the mentioned applications, quality plywood like Sainik 710can be used to make a sofa, dining table, beds, work desk, bathroom cabinets, and numerous other items to beautify the home. Sainik 710 plywood can even be used to pass it to the generations.

Sainik 710 Plywood

Also known as Asli Waterproof plywood, it contains numerous characteristics from the core water resistance. It is highly resistant to bending, making it suitable for numerous applications. Sainik 710 is available from CenturyPly with eight years of warranty and a thickness range between 4 to 25 mm.

The manufacturing includes using chemicals to make it bore, and termite-resistant and resistance form environmental conditions. The high number of plies impart its strength. The originality can be checked through the CenturyPromise App. It is also boiling waterproof. Furthermore, it is manufactured with the GLP patent, owned by CenturyPly itself.

Benefits of Sainik 710 Plywood

This section entails the benefits of a variety of Sainik 710 plywood:

●​​​​​​​ Waterproof: Sainik 710 plywood is also known as 'Asli Waterproof plywood.' It can resist the deteriorating effects from 72 hours of boiling water, coming out completely undamaged. The property makes it a suitable choice for any place, irrespective of the water in the area. It enables the use in the bathroom, kitchen, and other such areas as cabinets or surfaces dealing continuously with water.

●​​​​​​​ Bend resistant: A large number of plies make it quality plywood resistant to bending. It allows the users to place innumerable objects and apply any force to the shelves or other items made from plywood. The features ease the piling up of objects, keeping heavy utensils without bending, and other activities involving force. 

●​​​​​​​ Economical: Sainik 710 plywood are available in affordable range with a long duration of service. With the capacity to pass on to generations, their price is highly economical. Thus, quality plywood is possible at any home without worrying about a heavy budget while refurnishing or starting from scratch.

●​​​​​​​ Warranty: CenturyPly provides a long warranty on Sainik 710 plywood comes with eight years of warranty. It helps the customer understand the quality plywood they are buying. Additionally, it allows the replacement under stated terms and conditions, which secures customers' money.

●​​​​​​​ Pest resistance: Numerous parts of India are termite and borer resistant. It poses the biggest problem to the residents. They can not make kitchen cabinets, unable to keep furniture and other wooden equipment. Quality plywood like Sainik 710 manufactured with Glue Line protection, brings solutions to such problems.


CenturyPly Sainik 710 Plywood is a perfect addition to your cart if you are getting your home constructed from scratch or renovating the same. Explore the varieties and pick the most suitable option for your personal space. Embrace safety by adding the robust Sainik 710 Plywood!

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