Why Club Prime is the Premium Choice for High-Quality Plywood
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Why Club Prime is the Premium Choice for High-Quality Plywood

Club Prime is a premium marine-grade plywood that is the best quality material for any furnishing need. It is the only sheet that has passed the 25 inhouse tests. It is a unique creation due to its innovative features and superior quality. It has many characteristics that make your furniture last long and be unaffected by external elements.

As such, one can discover all about these qualities before purchasing the Club Prime and using it in some of the most extraordinary ways. This plywood is way stronger than any other ordinary plywood, which further solidifies its quality claims.

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Choose Club Prime: The Best of High-Quality Plywood

Below are all the wondrous qualities you can use by purchasing the Club Prime plywood.

Virokill Technology

The Club Prime plywood has the virokill technology that protects you and your family from any germ, bacteria, and other microbes. This technology in Club Prime kills 99.99% of the microbes once they land on the furniture’s surface. Further, the technology is highly effective at all times of the year and does not wear off with time.

Firewall Technology

A constant concern with having wooden furnishings is its ability to burn off quicker during any unfortunate event. But, with firewall technology in Club Prime one would not have to worry about it since the technology ensures that the furnishings do not catch fire easily. And if they do, then it will take a long time for them to completely burn off or reach the furniture’s core. So, that gives you and your family a considerable time to get away and call the fire brigades.

Glue Shear Strength

The glue shear strength of the Club Prime plywood makes it stronger than any other ordinary ply. Such strength ensures that your furnishings last a long time without being damaged easily. The strength also contributes to one’s ability to mould the plywood to create anything they want.

Borer & Termite Proof

Club Prime is one of the superior plywoods that do not get affected by borers and termites. They are made with a unique glue line protection that makes the plywood sheet resist termite attack and also destroy them.

Long Warranty

Club Prime comes with one of the highest warranties on all plywood products. It has a 30-year warranty that can also be extended if you take care of your furnishings properly. Such a long warranty is another proof of why professionals choose Club Prime for their every furnishing need.

Large Variety

Club Prime has a lot of admirable qualities and it also has a lot of varieties. One can find this plywood in the rate of 4 mm, 6 mm, 9 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 19 mm. You can choose any of these varieties depending on what will be most suitable for your needs.

Composed Core

One of the characteristics that contribute to Club Prime’s strength is its composed core. It means that there are no overlaps or gaps between the layers and they are all aligned together. This quality also contributes to the material’s durability and strength, making it a great choice for your space.

Tested and Verified Strength

The Club Prime plywood has passed through 25 in-house quality tests, which guarantee its strength and qualities. These tests were curated to examine the material’s qualities. And it has passed these tests with flying colours, further solidifying why one must purchase the Club Prime for all their furnishing needs.

Boiling Waterproof

The Club Prime plywood is also boiling waterproof which means it does not react to moisture like the other ordinary plywoods. The boiling waterproof ability was achieved after passing the 72-hour test under specific laboratory conditions. It was put through the test alongside ordinary plywood that had begun to break under the high temperature and high pressure, but the same was not the case with Club Prime. Such a quality makes the plywood truly an “asli waterproof” material.

CenturyPromise Enabled

One of the best aspects of getting the Club Prime plywood is that it comes with a QR code that helps you check the authenticity of the product. All you need to do is download the CenturyPromise application free of cost and scan the code. Upon scanning, all the product’s information will be visible on the screen, which provides its genuity.


CenturyPly has always created one-of-a-kind products that remain unbeatable with time. Club Prime is one such creation that combines all of its great qualities and delivers them in a complete package. One can purchase this plywood easily online by visiting the Century E-shop and making their selection. But, you must be careful with the variety you are choosing, and ensure that it's the right kind for the furniture you are making.

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