Why CenturyPly's Virokill Plywood is a Must-Have for Every Home in 2023
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Why CenturyPly's Virokill Plywood is a Must-Have for Every Home in 2023

After the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, the first priority of every home became
safeguarding their family's health. Thus, CenturyPly decided to develop a revolutionary
technology that would deal with the virus and bacteria independently on the plywood without
wiping down the surface with disinfectants or requiring periodic maintenance to keep the
antiviral properties in optimum shape.

CenturyPly invented the revolutionary ViroKill Technology to address the rising concerns of
its customers and ensure that antiviral and antibacterial plywood would serve as the solution.

Table of Contents

What is ViroKill Technology?

The ViroKill Technology is a unique self-doctoring surface treatment done on CenturyPly
plywood, which uses specially designed nanoparticles to provide complete safety protection
against microorganisms. The nanoparticles are highly activated and energised, which allows
them to physically rupture and kill microbes that come into contact with them. This contact-
killing mechanism ensures that surfaces treated with ViroKill are always safe and hygienic.

The ViroKill Technology naturally turns the plywood surface 99.99% antimicrobial,
antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral.

Features of ViroKill Technology

The ViroKill technology serves an important purpose. It offers peace of mind to all residents
that their furniture, walls, and other surfaces are completely virus free. The technology comes
with these key features.

Lifelong Effects: The nanoparticles are active throughout the entire life of the
plywood since they are embedded deep into the polymer matrix system. If the surface
of the plywood is not chemically or physically damaged, the ViroKill Technology
will last a lifetime.

No Reaction to Paint or Polish: You can certainly paint and polish the plywood
according to your needs, but the ViroKill Technology will not be affected.

Thermostable Technology: The ViroKill Technology does not deplete or reduce
upon exposure to normal heat, humidity, sunlight or moisture. However, any
structural damage to the surface of the plywood will affect the antiviral properties.

Safe to Touch: The treatment does not leach into the air or the surface, which makes
any surface that contains the ViroKill Technology completely safe for human touch. It
is a non-toxic treatment that is safe even for little children and older adults.

ViroKill Plywood

You can use plywood with the innovative ViroKill Technology anywhere you like, be it
residential, office or commercial spaces. It is especially useful in high-touch, high-traffic
areas like lobbies, living rooms, hallways, conference rooms, etc. Most CenturyPly plywood
that comes with the ViroKill Technology also contains several other important features like
fire retardancy, borer and termite resistance, superior strength, and more.

Plywood with ViroKill Technology comes in two grades:

BWP Grade Plywood

The BWP or Boiling WaterProof grade plywood can be used in water-prone areas such as the
kitchen, bathrooms, restaurants, dining tables and so on. Any BWP-grade plywood is
waterproof, which means it does not get damaged upon repeated exposure to water. You will
not see any swelling, cracking or depletion of the plywood in any way. BWP plywood is also
great for locations with extreme weather and fluctuating temperatures.

BWP grade plywood by CenturyPly that has the ViroKill Technology are:

● Architect Ply
● Club Prime
● Classic Marine
● Bond 710
● IS:710 Marine

Is the ViroKill Technology Certified?

CenturyPly products with the ViroKill Technology have been tested in the Biotech Testing
Services (BTS), Mumbai. Two main tests, aligned with the international standards, were
carried out:
● The Antimicrobial Efficacy Test (Antifungal Efficacy and Antibacterial Efficacy of
selected microbes) has been done per JIS Z 2801:2010 international standard.
● Antiviral Efficacy Test of the specified virus carried out according to ISO 21702:2019
international standard.

The tests proved that the technology has a 99.99% efficacy against viruses. The tests also
provided insights into how long the viruses take to be eliminated. The ViroKill technology
starts working instantly, and it can take anywhere - from a few minutes to a few hours for the
viruses to be eliminated. The nanoparticles that destroy the microbes have been approved by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as well as the Government of India through the
Department of Science and Technology.


Choosing plywood that is infused with the ViroKill Technology is a smart investment. With
ViroKill plywood, you can upgrade your furniture and interiors to protect your homes from
harmful viruses. The added layer of protection ensures that your loved ones are safe and
protected from harmful microbes that can cause illness. The revolutionary technology gives
each plywood antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties that last a
lifetime. With the omnipresent threat of infectious diseases and other severe health risks,
always purchase plywood and laminates that come with the ViroKill Technology to
safeguard the health of your family.

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