The Secret To Long-Lasting Furniture: Using SAINIK 710 Plywood For Durability
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The Secret To Long-Lasting Furniture: Using SAINIK 710 Plywood For Durability

A house transforms into a home with the right type of furniture— one that is best in quality is borer & termite proof, boiling waterproof, resistant to bending and long-lasting. Searching the market for a single product with all of these features is a cumbersome process. However, making your task easy is Sainik 710 from CenturyPly.

It is a comprehensive all-in-one offering that you can trust with the furniture of your house. Given the facilities involved, the outcome will be smooth, aesthetically approved to the eyes, and durable at the same time.

Table of Content

What Is The Secret To Sainik 710’s Durability?

Benefit Of Using Sainik 710

Final Words

What is the Secret to Sainik 710’s Durability?

Owing to the available features like borer & termite proof, waterproof and resistant to bending, your furniture made of Sainik 710 will automatically last longer. Also, a dedicated CenturyPromise app helps you get rid of fraud. Below, you will find a detailed elaboration focusing on the durability of the same.

Termite And Borer Proof

Termites are a massive threat to wooden furniture, affecting its durability over time. With Sainik 710, things are easy. The ply is safeguarded from pests and termites with a unique glue line adhesive, adding up to the longevity of the same. Also, you can rely on the technology for moisture resistance and eliminating other troublesome insects. That way, the plywood will last longer, helping maintain your house's clean look.  

Water Proof

While other plywood available in the market fails to stand boiling water and disintegrates after some time, Sainik 710 can withstand a boiling water test of 72 hours. What you can do is, get a piece of ordinary plywood and another one, Sainik 710. Put them in boiling water and continue the test for 72 hours. The ordinary plywood will fall apart after one hour, while the other will pass the test with flying colours. This proves the efficiency of the ply and helps you customise furniture pieces for any part of the house, including the kitchen, ​​​​​​​

Years Of Warranty

​​​​​​​You get approximately 8 years of warranty with Sainik 710, and given the quality, it usually outlasts the total time. CenturyPly aims to focus on quality over everything else. And Sainik 710 is everything one can speak of when selecting the proper plywood, offering quality choice. 

Bend Resistant

The Sainik 710 plywoods are tougher than the locally manufactured ones regarding bend resistance. To ensure you have purchased the right plywood type, scan the CenturyPromise QR Code on the plywood directly from your phone’s app.  ​​​​​​​

Benefits Of Using Sainik 710​​​​​​​

Here is a list of the various benefits that you can avail of by using Sainik710​​​​​​​

Uniform Price Throughout India

With so many features available, it is easy for everyone to think of Sainik 710 as a premium product with a high cost. However, this “Asli waterproof” plywood is available for just Rs. 107 per sq ft, GST included (*unit- 929 sq. cm. approx). Also, the price remains uniform throughout India, irrespective of the city, location and dealer.  ​​​​​​​

Variety Of Options To Choose From

The Sainik 710 is available in various options, and you can go for any thickness of your choice. The available ranges are

● 4 mm

● 6 mm

● 9 mm

● 12 mm

● 16 mm

● 19 mm

● 25 mm

Variable Usability

​​​​​​​Owing to the features available, Sainik 710 makes for comprehensive plywood with multiple uses. Below is a list of where and how you can use the same:

● To build your kitchen cabinet, you can use the same. Given that the plywood is flexible towards various weather conditions, fluctuating temperatures and boiling water, the kitchen cabinets will always be safe from all deformities. As a result, your kitchen will continue with its charm even after years of use. 
● You can trust Sainik 710’s functionalities like termite and borer proof for in-room use. 
● Sainik 710’s waterproof facility makes it easy to use in the bathroom to build aesthetically pleasing cabinets that will last long. 

Accredited By The CenturyPromise app 

Anyone can download the CenturyPromise app (customers, contractors, dealers and retailers) and use the same to verify the authenticity level of the plyboard. Also, one can download the e-warranty from the same place and stay on the same page with all the exclusive promotions and latest offers. This, in particular, ensures the authenticity level of the purchased product and helps develop a sense of trust within the customer.

The app is available across all iOS and Android devices and can be used anytime and anywhere.

Final Words

Compared to other sheets available in the market, the Sainik 710 stands tall regarding product quality and price. So from now on, invest in the same when it is the durability you aim for while customising furniture for your home.

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