The Secret to Be Safe From Fire-related Accidents
Fire, which is considered to be one of the most important inventions of early man, is not only known for its advantages. If not handled properly, it can cause havoc and takes many hours to get doused. As per the ADSI-2019 report, there were 11,037 fire accidents reported across the country in 2019. Out of the 11,037 Fire Accidents, a total of 6,364 accidents i.e., around 57% occurred in Residential Buildings.

While the number of incidents in the residential buildings have come down over the period of time, their proportion in the overall fire accidents has seen a steady increase year on year. For this reason, it is necessary to take precautions beforehand.
Here we will unravel some secrets that will keep you safe from such fire-related accidents. Let us start with the most effective technique that will reduce the chance of a fire accident altogether:
The biggest secret: CenturyPly Firewall Technology:
We often forget to dig deeper than the epithelial layers to address the real cause of any issue. Same is the case with fire accidents. When it comes to adding fire safeguards, we think of fire alarms and the extinguishers mostly. But isn’t prevention better than cure?
With a vision to restrict accidents related to fire at the core itself, CenturyPly researched on Firewall technology and developed a plywood that is fire-retardant:

1. On flammability and fire-penetration:
The inference of many tests performed on the CenturyPly Firewall plywood was that it takes 30 minutes for flames to spread along the surface of plywood. The technology is designed in such a way that it takes around 50 minutes for flames to penetrate the plywood sheet.
Adding feather to the cap, Firewall can successfully douse the fire, once the source of fire is removed.
Isn't this what we are looking for to keep our family safe from the havoc that a fire can create?
2. On smoke-generation:
The leading cause of death for fire victims around the world has been smoke inhalation for many decades. CenturyPly Firewall Technology takes care of this problem quite satisfactorily. It uses fire-retardant chemicals that generate less smoke than any other regular plywood.

Other safeguards:
Now that you are sorted with the basics being done right, let us step ahead to fullproof the plan to save ourselves from fire-related accidents with the toppings:
1. Keep the heaters and candles at bay from the furniture. Make sure that they are kept at a place where they cannot be knocked over.
2. Never leave a pan unattended when frying in the kitchen.
3. If you have children that aren’t grown enough to understand the implications of using the ignitors, it goes without mentioning that you keep the matches and lighters well out of their reach.

4. Smoke detectors can be an early alarm that can give you ample time to rescue your family and yourself from the apartment.
5. Train your family to follow the basic instructions in case of a fire outbreak. Each of the members should know the number to call for a fire brigade. They should be aware about the harmful effects of the toxic fumes and the high probability of blasts that can follow the fire.
Sometimes, fire can be of wild nature and make it difficult for us to douse it. Thus, it is important to get the basics checked to avoid fire accidents.
In this case, CenturyPly Firewall can be a boon for you. Enquire now at:
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