Revolutionising Disinfection: ViroKill's Role in Post-Pandemic Era
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Revolutionising Disinfection: ViroKill's Role in Post-Pandemic Era

The covid-19 pandemic undoubtedly has changed our perspectives on sanitation, health, and hygiene. Today, people are more aware of the hygiene standards of their surroundings and households. As the pandemic spread fast due to the point of contact, it became crucial to devise a solution to survive the situation. Thus, after much research and development conducted by CenturyPly, a revolutionary technology evolved, i.e. Virokill technology. This new technology is a lifesaver when disinfecting our household interiors, surrounding surfaces, and furnishings.

It uses a unique nanoparticle technology that shields your furnishing’s surfaces against any specified harmful bacteria or microbes, keeping your furniture surfaces germ-free. Post-pandemic, as there is much awareness concerning maintaining health and hygiene standards, there is a lot of preference and demand for plywood and furnishings equipped with Virokill technology. Undoubtedly, this technology has been a game changer in the post-pandemic era in shielding your homes against unwelcome viruses, infections, and diseases.

Table of Contents

Virokill’s Role in Effectively Changing Post-Pandemic Scenario

   ○ Protection Against Spreading of Infections

   ○ Building Bacteria-Resilient Spaces

   ○ Reinforcement and Promotion of Hygiene Habits

   ○ Restoration of Normalcy

Lesser-Known Interesting Facts About Virokill Technology


Virokill’s Role in Effectively Changing Post-Pandemic Scenario

If you are wondering what changes Virokill technology has brought post the pandemic, read on to learn about the role of this technology in normalising our daily lives:

Protection Against Spreading of Infections

Virokill technology provides an extensive protective shield to your surroundings. With its unique bacteria combat formulation, this technology helps rapidly destroy and kill harmful viruses and bacteria that come in contact with your furnishing’s surface. Thus, it helps neutralise the spread of infections and diseases. As more awareness spreads concerning this technology, there is more demand for it for application in households alongside public areas like educational institutions, hospitals, and other thriving spaces.

Thus, Virokill technology’s disinfectant capabilities have helped create a proactive environment for maintaining health and hygiene standards.

Building Bacteria-Resilient Spaces

The Virokill technology kills the specified bacteria coming in contact with the surfaces equipped with this technology. It ensures rupturing of the bacteria's cell organelles rapidly so that it does not sustain much longer. Conventional disinfection methods often lead to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that thrives for a longer period.

However, with Virokill technology, the unique formulation of nanoparticles and the self-doctoring surface treatment destroy the very evolution of harmful microbes, minimising the chances of the bacteria developing any resistance. Thus, by creating an unsuitable environment for the harmful bacteria to thrive, Virokill ensures the evolution of bacteria-resilient safe spaces.

Reinforcement and Promotion of Hygiene Habits

The most crucial aspect of preventing infection spread is regularly following and maintaining hygiene standards. CenturyPly’s Virokill technology totally supports this undertaking by providing a protective shield via advanced disinfection formula that also compliments personal hygiene standards.

By its presence at high-contact surfaces, Virokill acts as a safety shield against bacterial infection spread and helps eliminate the potential source of contamination- specified harmful viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Also, the presence of this technology on the surfaces around you is a constant reminder to maintain health and hygiene standards and follow a culture of cleanliness.

Restoration of Normalcy

The covid-19 pandemic disrupted our lives economically and psychologically too. Hence, there was a need to have an advanced solution in place to fight the spread of infections at high-contact surfaces. Installing this state-of-the-art Virokill technology that provides a protective barrier between interior and exterior surfaces and harmful viruses has led to the reopening of public spaces like schools, colleges, parks, business houses, etc. It has been possible due to people's trust in this technology to protect them against infections.

Thus, this technology has helped tremendously restore normalcy in our lives and helped society recover economically and psychologically.

Lesser-Known Interesting Facts About Virokill Technology

Here are some interesting and lesser-known facts about the Virokill technology that adds value to your furnishings and provide money’s worth:

● What if you know this technology's anti-viral properties embedded in CenturyPly products have no expiration date? Yes! You read that right. Considering the importance of health safety, the properties of this technology are engineered to last a lifetime and offer anti-viral benefits unless the furniture is physically or chemically damaged.

● If you are worried about this technology getting affected by exposure to extreme temperatures, moisture, humidity or even sunshine, you can relax. The Virokill technology’s thermostable properties do not get affected by these elements.

● Although surfaces treated with this technology are hard on the germs, killing 99.99% of them, it ensures no damage is caused to humans as the products equipped with this technology are composed of non-toxic raw materials.


The Virokill technology has been a revolutionary lifesaver and health-proofing solution post the pandemic. It ensures you and your loved ones remain protected against the spread of dangerous infections by combating the microbes immediately as they come in contact with the disinfected surfaces.

So, why hold patience with safety? Visit the CenturyPly website for more information on this technology and make a smart decision by getting your surroundings furnished with this technology.

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