Regular Plywood vs Sainik Plywood: The Key Differences
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Regular Plywood vs Sainik Plywood: The Key Differences

Table of contents:

➔      Introduction

➔      Increased Scope Of Plywood Applications with Sainik710

➔      Benefits of Sainik710 Plywood

➔      A win-win situation

             ◆      Authentication of CenturyPromise

             ◆      Convenience of CenturyEShop

➔      An Excellent Value For Money

➔      In Conclusion


There are so many plywoods available in the market these days. However, most people are unaware about the different grades of plywood and their special features. This article will bring you some insight on the points of difference between a regular plywood and Sainik710 Plywood.

We will take you on a ride to showcase the importance of these features. We will also elaborate on the other benefits of purchasing Sainik710 Plywood which comes from the house of CenturyPly. So let’s begin.

Increased Scope Of Plywood Applications with Sainik710

A regular plywood may not be able to withstand high exposure to water and climatic conditions. However, Sainik710 Plywood is a great representation of the saying “one man army”. That is because it is truly a product with robust quality and interesting features. For starters, Sainik710 Plywood is waterproof, making it a great choice for spaces such as:

●       Kitchen

●       Bathroom

●       Balcony

Having wooden aesthetics in these spaces just revamps the look of the interior. It gives you the scope to have wooden countertops, cabinets and furniture which is free from water damage. With Sainik710 you can achieve a warm and homely bath space or kitchen without having to worry about the plywood exposure to water.

Benefits of Sainik710 Plywood

Aside from being a quality waterproof plywood, the other wholesome features of Sainik710 Plywood include:

●       Incredible Bend-Resistance plywood

●       Borer and Termite Proof with a chemically treated layer

●       Increased Strength with more number of plies

●       High Resistance to all weather conditions

●       Boiling Water Proof Grade Plywood

●       Offers an 8 year warranty

More Like A Win-Win Situation

Investing in the quality of Sainik710 Plywood not only lets you have wholesome interiors for years to come, but it is a win-win situation in every way! You want to know how? Then check out the following plus points:

1. Authentication of CenturyPromise-

You can be completely assured of the quality with the CenturyPromise App. All plywood products from CenturyPly come with a QR Code that can be scanned to know the authenticity of plywood and even the exact specifications for your product. Since Sainik710 Plywood comes from the house of CenturyPly, it allows you to authenticate your plywood quality in minutes.

2. Convenience of CenturyEShop-

You can compare your plywood options online with CenturyEShop. Moreover, it lets you order plywood online in just a few simple steps. It offers a smooth navigation system and convenient payment procedure. The best part is that just in case you had a change of mind or anything that makes you want to not keep the plywood, CenturyEShop provides you with a cooperative return policy as well. 

An Excellent Value For Money

Sainik710 Plywood is the only plywood having a single pricing across India. Sainik 710 is an Asli Waterproof plywood that comes with an 8-year warranty. It costs ₹105 per unit (unit = 929, inclusive of GST). Furthermore, its qualities such as borer and termite resistance and excellent bending resistance gives Sainik710 Plywood an excellent value for money.

In Conclusion

To summarize the whole article, Sainik710 Plywood is a great choice for interiors in comparison to regular plywood. All the features simply make it a better material that is strong and lasts for long. You get the power of Sainik710 delivered at your doorstep for your interiors by making a purchase from CenturyEShop:

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