Firewall Technology Adding Up to Home Security
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Firewall Technology Adding Up to Home Security

A home is one place that needs to be completely fireproof in order to ensure the safety and security of your family. Since we cannot allow any fire incident to take place, preventing an accident is of utmost importance. Knowledge is key when it comes to safeguarding our homes from potential fire hazards.

Table of Contents

      Vulnerabilities That Might Pose A Risk Of A Fire Breakout




      Dry Cluttered Areas

      Electrical Outlets and Main Switch

      What is Firewall Technology?

      How Does Firewall Technology Work?

      Delay the Spread

      Act as a Barrier


      Emit Less Smoke

      Which Plywoods Contain Firewall Technology?

      Is the Firewall Technology Certified?


Vulnerabilities That Might Pose A Risk Of A Fire Breakout

It is always best to identify the vulnerable areas within your house to ensure good implementation of effective fire prevention and protection measures. Here are some common vulnerabilities in your house that might pose a risk of a fire breakout.


The kitchen is the number one place in your house that can be the main source of fire originating. It is a space where heat sources, flammable materials, and electrical appliances converge. Cooking activities involving open flames, hot stovetops, and ovens can ignite nearby combustible materials like kitchen towels, plastic containers or wooden cabinets.


Household appliances like toasters, microwave ovens, dryers, and irons, can be fire hazards if you do not use or maintain them properly. A fire can result from electrical malfunctions, damaged cords, or even overheating. Heating appliances commonly used in winter, such as heaters and geysers, are also a common cause of fires.


If you like lighting candles, diyas or incense, you know how important it is to keep them away from curtains, table cloth and any other flammable material. If left unattended, accidental knocks could lead to nearby materials catching fire.

     Dry Cluttered Areas

Areas like the storage, garage or sheds have a lot of dry clutter. Clutter can provide fuel for the fire to spread rapidly. If you happen to keep flammable substances like kerosene or paint, it can double the risk.

     Electrical Outlets and Main Switch

Sometimes old homes have damaged wiring, faulty electrical outlets and overloaded circuits. These things can cause electrical sparks, which could ignite nearby objects if they are flammable.

You can minimise fire in your home by taking some simple measures, such as installing smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and maintaining electrical systems to prevent fire incidents. Regular inspection, cleaning, and storing flammable materials properly are equally essential.

But to add a layer of protection and take your home security up a notch, you must implement CenturyPly’s Firewall Technology.

What is Firewall Technology?

Certain CenturyPly plywood is embedded with Firewall Technology, which refers to nanoparticles embedded in the polymer matrix of the plywood. The particles give the plywood fire-fighting abilities to ensure any furniture made with CenturyPly plywood does not fuel the spread of fire and actually curbs its spread by self-extinguishing when source of fire is removed . 

How Does Firewall Technology Work?

The most common way a fire spreads in the house is by igniting nearby flammable materials. Century Ply plywood embedded with Firewall Technology limits this spread in the following ways:

     Delay the Spread

The first and most crucial feature of Firewall Technology is its ability to delay the spread of fire. When a fire breaks out, every second counts and the speed at which the fire spreads can determine the extent of damage it causes.

     Act as a Barrier

Unlike ordinary plywood, Firewall Technology acts as a barrier, impeding the progress of flames and preventing the fire from rapidly engulfing your property.


Furthermore, CenturyPly's Firewall Technology is self-extinguishing. Once the source of the fire is removed, the treated plywood stops burning on its own.

     Emit Less Smoke

Ordinary plywood can release a substantial amount of toxic smoke, leading to suffocation and respiratory problems. However, fire-retardant plywood emits significantly less smoke, reducing the risks associated with smoke inhalation and giving families crucial time to empty the premises and call emergency services.

Which Plywoods Contain Firewall Technology?

CenturyPly offers Firewall Technology in two plywood ranges - Architect Ply and Club Prime plywoods.

The technology is added to this plywood at no extra cost, and if you choose Architect or Club Prime plywood, you will get various other essential features such as:

      Virokill Technology - It makes plywood antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial to keep your family healthy and safe.

      Borer & Termite Proof - The plywood’s properties make them borer and termite proof to ensure the durability and longevity of your furniture.

      Boiling WaterProof - Both Architect Ply and Club Prime plywoods are BWP grade plywoods, making them suitable for use in high moisture, high-temperature areas.

      Negligible Warp and Bend - The plywoods are long-lasting, showing no warping, bending or swelling even after decades of use.

      Lifetime Warranty - The Architect Ply has a lifetime warranty, while Club Prime has a 30-year warranty, saying a lot about its durability.

Is the Firewall Technology Certified?

Both CenturyPly plywoods enriched with the Firewall Technology were tested on their ability to resist flammability, penetration, spread and smoke index. The tests certified that the plywood was the best-in-class to fight fires. The 19mm Architect Ply and Club Prime plywood easily passed Indian IS 5509, American ASTM E84, and British BS 476 standards.


Installing fire-retardant plywood in critical areas such as kitchens, living rooms, and bedrooms can create a strong defence against potential fire hazards. Additionally, using this technology in commercial establishments can also play a vital role in safeguarding your business and employees. Embrace the advanced fire safety solution of CenturyPly Firewall Technology and experience the peace of mind it brings to your life.

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