Comparing ViroKill to Traditional Plywood for a Safer Choice
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Comparing ViroKill to Traditional Plywood for a Safer Choice

After the pandemic era, we are used to maintaining hygiene and cleaning after any guest leaves the house. It is important for the safety and protection of our neonates, small children, pregnant ladies, grandparents, or ill family members who are prone to getting infections earlier than a healthy or normal person.

Traditional plywood does not provide safety measures, plus they are prone to germs and harmful pathogens when it comes in contact with an infectious person. It further spreads the germs to the family members when they touch the infected furniture. Constant cleaning can have a bad effect on the surface of your expensive furniture and does not even guarantee killing pathogens.

CenturyPly has brought a ViroKill technology that people have faith in. The technology is trusted and used by many users for residential spaces, offices, big organisations, and so on. The technology claims a guarantee of killing harmful and toxic pathogens by itself without extra efforts of cleaning.

Table of Contents

Understanding ViroKill Technology

How Plywood with ViroKill Technology is Better than Traditional Plywood?

   ○ Thermostable Technology

   ○ Safe to Touch

   ○ No Reaction to Polish or Paints

   ○ Lifelong Effects

Is ViroKill Technology Certified?

   ○ Antiviral Efficacy Test

   ○ Antimicrobial Efficacy Test

Wrapping Up!

Understanding ViroKill Technology

As per the name, ViroKill technology is a game-changing technology used to kill harmful pathogens instantly. The technology is used by CenturyPly, where they have used nanotechnology-based particles embedded in the plywood, offering protection unlike regular traditional plywood.

The technology is specifically designed to kill all types of pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and so on and has been tested and proven. CenturyPly's plywood and laminates are created using the technology where no additional cost has been charged to the users.

How Plywood with ViroKill Technology is Better than Traditional Plywood?

Here are the benefits of Plywood with ViroKill technology over traditional plywood you can consider before buying your furniture.

a. Thermostable Technology

One of the best features offered by CenturyPly where they have proven that their ViroKill technology is thermostable. It means when you invest in your dream furniture with ViroKill technology, you do not have to worry about its reaction to heat, sunlight, humidity or even moisture.

The feature can aid in using the furniture for outside purposes as well as inside, like bathroom, kitchen, near chimneys and so on. It delivers the strength and durability of the plywood with the technology.

b. Safe to Touch

CenturyPly claims that, unlike traditional plywood, their plywood-made furniture with ViroKill technology kills 99.99% of the microbes and viruses that are present on the surface of your furniture. People are afraid that the chemicals used in the technology may harm them while touching or can cause irritation to the skin and eyes or others.

CenturyPly has guaranteed that the plywood with ViroKill technology is safe for human touch and is also eco-friendly.

c. No Reaction to Polish or Paints

After investing in your furniture with ViroKill technology, people get confused about whether they can modify their looks and use polish or points. The question arises: what if the technology fades away or does not work on the coating of polish or paints?

Here, CenturyPly has guaranteed that there is no effect on ViroKill technology because of paints or polish, and you can easily make modifications as per your wish. There is no chance of compromise in quality with good looks.

d. Lifelong Effects

ViroKill technology does not get affected by minor scratches or damages. The technology is not just surface-based but is cross-sectional. It also does not wear off with time and is functional for a lifetime.

No matter how much a person uses the furniture, the technology will not fade away and provide the same self-doctoring effect after years. Note that major dents, damage or scratches can harm the portion of ViroKill technology where it does not function appropriately at that specific portion.

Is ViroKill Technology Certified?

People always tend to worry if the virokill technology is certified for its effective features or can cause damage to them and their children. Do not worry! CenturyPly has taken care of it. CenturyPly has provided transparency in its technology embedded in plywood. Popular laboratories and biotechnology companies have tested the features claimed by CenturyPly in ViroKill Technology. Here are some of the tests conducted for ViroKill Technology.

1. Antiviral Efficacy Test

The test was conducted as per the international standards. CenturyPly claimed that ViroKill technology was approved by the laboratories for significant effects against the viruses. As per the conducted test reports, the plywood with ViroKill technology, when it gets in touch with viruses (any type), the technology instantly ruptures them, and they die quickly without having enough time to spread to the environment.

2. Antimicrobial Efficacy Test

Top-notch laboratories in the country have tested CenturyPly’s plywood with ViroKill technology for antibacterial and antifungal effects. The test conducted was completely based on international safety standards. The test was proven strong and provided certification of safety with a guarantee for the claim by CenturyPly on their qualitative plywood.

In the test, it has been observed that when bacteria, fungi or other pathogens come in contact, the ViroKill technology eliminates them in a few minutes. Also, it works as a self-doctoring agent where the users do not have to clean the plywood every now and then with antiseptics to avoid harmful pathogens.

Wrapping Up!

CenturyPly’s plywood with ViroKill technology is authentic, extraordinary and with numerous benefits than the traditional regular plywood. If a person is investing, they tend to have more and more features in their plywood-made furniture. CenturyPly is fulfilling people’s wishes by offering plywood with multiple benefits along with the ViroKill technology in affordable ranges. Still have questions and want more clarity? Read more blogs of CenturyPly and get your confusion out of the way from purchasing quality material with enhanced designs and patterns.

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