Cleaner surfaces and healthier spaces with Virokill by CenturyPly
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Cleaner surfaces and healthier spaces with Virokill by CenturyPly

The world is filled with pathogens these days. People are habitual of washing or sanitising their hands, wiping their things and places with disinfectants when returning home. Why so? To avoid bringing pathogens home and risk the safety of your loved ones. Home is the place where we expect our safety and live a healthy life. What if we do not find our home a clean and healthy place? It would not be worth living, which makes it important to keep your place germ free to avoid disease and risk of getting ill.

To control the pathogenic activity on your furniture, kitchen, dining table and all over your home, CenturyPly has developed a revolutionary solution that offers 99.99% germ-free surface protection. You must be thinking, how is it possible? Unlike other companies, CenturyPly has embedded virokill technology that enables your home to be antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral. In the era of diseases and pandemics, every intelligent person would want to invest smartly in an interior where with quality, people get innovative designs and vibrant colours. CenturyPly is giving virokill technology as a safety bonus with other qualities mentioned.

Table of Contents

      Know Virokill Technology

      Benefits Of Virokill Technology

      Is Virokill Technology Certified?

      Wrapping Up

Know Virokill Technology

CenturyPly has built a unique self-doctoring surface treatment for plywood that protects the material from pathogenic actions. If we talk about two products of CenturyPly, CenturyPlywoods and CenturyLaminates, they are designed with embedded nanoparticles that completely protect against infectious microorganisms. The activated nanoparticles are highly energised, which deteriorates the cell wall of microbes and kills them when they come in contact with them. This mechanism of action involving contact-killing is possible with the surface comprising virokill technology so that you have cleaner and healthier spaces for your crawling babies, children and other family members.

Benefits Of Virokill Technology

Here are the benefits of why customers love virokill technology by CenturyPly.

a.    Protection Against Harmful Pathogens 

Worried about how to keep all the furnishings clean all the time? Thinking about possible methods to save family members from contracting infections? Keeping the surface clean and hygienic all the time may be quite hectic, especially when children and guests are coming from outside, touching everything. Furniture with virokill technology having self-doctoring features may reduce your burden of cleaning. It kills 99.99% of pathogens naturally involving no extra effort by you. The technology ensures you long-term quality protection from germs and gets self-disinfected constantly.

b.    Non-Toxic

You must be thinking that virokill technology involves numerous nanoparticles that must be harmful to human beings. No worries. Century Plywood and Century Laminates are created with eco-friendly nanoparticles that do not provide any allergic reactions to you and your toddlers. It's safe for humans but unsafe for pathogens.

c.     Non-Depletive

Investing in CenturyPly virokill technology while worrying about its shelf life? CenturyPly is all about gaining your trust with quality and assurance of safety. Virokill technology does not deplete with time, and your furniture's shelf life is for years. Additionally, virokill technology works efficiently and is a lifetime investment for you. But CenturyPly does not take responsibility for physical or chemical damage by users.

d.    Works For A Wide Range Of Surfaces

CenturyPly offers plywood and laminates featured with virokill technology. You can use them in your furniture, cupboards, kitchen, living rooms and beyond. It provides lavish looks with a wide range of colours and designs and offers safety with strength.

Is Virokill Technology Certified?

You would wonder if CenturyPly claims 99.99% protection by virokill technology is just for marketing or if it is true. It must be tested somewhere to prove its truthfulness. So, yes, CenturyPly is all about trust and provides clear information regarding all the technologies utilised in their products. In this case, CenturyPly has tested virokill technology in Biotech Testing Services in Mumbai. We are happy to inform you that virokill technology has met the international standards in two tests, i.e.,

a.    Antiviral Efficacy Test

The test was carried out as per the international standard ISO 21702:2019, in which the nanoparticles embedded plywood/laminates qualified for the test of having antiviral features. It proved that virokill technology instantly kills the virus.

b.    Antimicrobial Efficacy Test

The test checked the efficacy against the bacterial and fungal microbes and was performed as per the international standard ISO JIS Z 2801:2010. The test determines the instant action of virokill technology against bacteria or fungi that comes in contact with its surface and dies instantly. Thus, CenturyPly has passed the test with higher efficiency in killing microbes.

The testing mentioned above proved that virokill technology kills 99.99% of pathogens from the surfaces. The test also proved the claim of the instant action of technology against the viruses in contact with the surface. There is no delay in response to the technology, and it works quickly to safeguard against microbe-causing allergic reactions or infectious diseases. It takes a few minutes to a few hours to completely eliminate the harmful microbes. The virokill technology has also been approved by the Government of India and the US Environmental Protection Agency through the Department of Science and Technology.

Wrapping Up

Still confused about the qualitative actions of virokill technology embedded plywood or laminates claimed by CenturyPly? Visit us and read our blogs covering each point that will clarify all your doubts and provide in-depth information regarding each product having virokill technology. Worry about your budget now? Do not worry. CenturyPly fits well with affordable prices. Hence, you do not have to compromise with the price or other features if looking for virokill technology. Furthermore, virokill technology is one of the multiple technologies provided by CenturyPly. Visit us, and you'll be amazed at our variety of ranges that not only attract you with sophisticated designs and colourful features but also offer safety and strength for a longer duration of time.

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