25 Trendy Furniture Design for Bedrooms
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25 Trendy Furniture Design for Bedrooms

Are you looking for furniture designs for your bedroom? The commonly seen wood design furniture has now been replaced with beautiful matte, shiny, abstract and many other appearances. The choices are now based on colour palettes and unique patterns, turning your interior designs into classic ones. 

If you're keen on exploring diverse ideas, here we present you with our collection of unique bedroom furniture design ideas. 

Table of Contents

Explore Trendy Ideas to Enhance the Beauty of Your Bedroom

Let us understand how we can add beauty to our space with trending furniture designs for the bedroom.

Bed Designs

Beds are available in different shapes, patterns, and designs. Let us have a quick review of some trendy bed designs:

  1. Poster Bed:

    The poster beds require both horizontal and vertical space in your room. The four pillars vertically arising from each corner provide the option to add style to your bed. People can choose to design the posters based on their choice of interiors. 

  2. Canopy:

    Similar to poster beds, these have additional part attributes to them. The four posters are connected with a framework, adding the possibility of draping them with cloth. The possibilities of different draping styles provide style and elegance. Moreover, these beds are cosier and offer privacy. 

  3. Storage Bed:

    To avoid taking up a large space of your room for storage, you can utilise the bottom portion of your bed. For smaller rooms, it is a necessity. There are different options available for storage. People can choose for top opening, hydraulic opening or side storage, as per their ease and convenience. 

  4. Murphy Bed:

    Increasing population and decreasing space have led designers to reimagine bed design options. People needing more space now can choose a Murphy bed to steal the additional space. These beds are attached to one end. It allows foldability against the wall. 

  5. Divan:

    These are generally available in combination with a mattress. They also have a headboard combined with fabric that adds to the design element. The storage part is also available to add to the comfort. 

  6. Bunk Bed:

    Preferred for children, these give an adventurous look to the kids’ room. This furniture design for the bedroom has the two beds placed vertically over each other. Kids need to climb the ladder to reach the top of the bed. 

Dressing Table Designs

Dressing tables– the piece of furniture that adds to the decor and beauty of the room. Over the years, they have evolved from basic designs to modern, attractive ensembles: 

  1. Closet Dressing Table:

    Also referred to as mirrored cabinets, these dressing tables meet the small space requirement through their compact size. They serve dual purposes–storing your belongings and giving you a dresser for grooming yourself.

  2. Dressing Table with Stools:

    It is the perfect combination where stools accompany dressing tables. The dressing table comprises a mirror and storage, while the stool offers an area to sit comfortably. 

  3. Vintage Vanity:

    Adding the style and elegance of older times, these dressing tables take inspiration from intricate design patterns of the vintage era. The vintage vanity is chosen to give the room a luxurious vibe with detailed designs. 

  4. Modern Dresser:

    The modern dressers serve as a storage space and have drawers that can also contain hidden compartments. The simplistic design provides both style and functionality while taking up minimal space. 

Almirah Furniture Design for Bedroom

Almirahs are the most essential part of the bedrooms. Providing the safest space for jewellery and important documents, these can also add style and serve as a decor element. Here are some ideas for them: 

  1. Wall Almirah:

    These are popular options and add a classy look. Organising the space, these almirahs are generally embedded in the wall to avoid obstruction in the path and provide open space in the bedroom. 

  2. Sliding Door Almirah:

    These are traditional almirah designs that do not take up the door space. They are popular for their sleek and modern appearance. These are also available in different styles and sunmica to match the theme of your interiors. 

  3. Modular Almirah:

    These are created from HDF or MDF boards and are customisable with the size and shape of the bedroom. People can choose from different door styles and compartment lengths of this almirah for maximum space saving and utilisation. 

  4. Almirah with Floating Shelves:

    The needs and belongings change with time. Adjusting your almirah as per the possessions is a blessing. The floating shelves are detachable and a highly functional and customisable option for the bedroom. 

  5. Glass Almirah:

    The almirah with glass offers a spacious look to the room. People can choose between two different types of glass: plain and frosted glass. The plain glass almirah is see-through, while the frosted glass one provides style with the privacy of items stored inside. 

Bedside Table Designs

Bedside tables add style and convenience. These bedside tables can be either available with storage options such as drawers, while others can be just a simple single surface for holding lamps or belongings.

  1. Nightstands:

    They are purposely used for adding aesthetics to your bedroom. They are basic yet functional bedside tables with small drawers for holding goods. You can use the nightstands for holding phones, lamps, and other miscellaneous objects that you need instantly with zero effort.

  2. Bedside Chests:

    Bedside chests are available in various sizes and height options. You can customise your chests as per your requirements. They have two to four drawers for storage. These tables match the height of your bed. You can use them to hold clothes, books, and other items.

  3. Bedside Cabinets:

    Bedside cabinets are similar to chests. People seek options that add convenience to their daily routine. These cabinets are ideal for keeping medicine and documents near the bed. This furniture design for the bedroom helps people reach out to their stuff instantly. 

  4. Contemporary Side Tables:

    Timeless bedside tables can be the wiser choice for people looking to add some classy furniture design to the bedroom area. Crafted with clean lines, innovative materials, and often minimalist aesthetics, contemporary side tables elevate the visual appeal of any space. Whether you prefer sleek metal finishes, chic glass tops, or shiny laminated surfaces, contemporary side tables are open to customisation. 

Chair Designs

Several people love to incorporate accent chairs or sofa sets in their bedrooms for seating purposes. Some prefer a single chair for study tables or a nearby balcony purpose, while others choose an entire set. Let us explore the best furniture design for your bedroom pertaining to chairs that can add a sophisticated look to your space: 

  1. Armchair:

    The chairs that have armrests for comfort. These chairs come in the daily utility category. Thus, vintage and antique designs are made with vibrant colour options, designs, and unique patterns to reflect the personality of the user. 

  2. Queen Anne Chair:

    These chairs come with lighter designs and are the perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality. Queen Anne chairs can bring a royal touch to your bedroom.

  3. Rocking Chair:

    These American designer chairs were originally made for mothers rocking their babies. With modern iterations, it has now become everyone's favourite. These wooden chairs allow a person to rock back and forth comfortably.

  4. Side Chair:

    Generally, people love to have side chairs near their beds. These chairs do not have armrests, making you sit comfortably at any angle you want. 

  5. Bergere Chair:

    A French-style chair with an upholstered seat, armrests, and back. However, the frame is exposed in different styles; some come with lower frames, while others have high backs and different seating types.

  6. High Chair:

    These chairs are in demand. Parents install the chairs for their babies and toddlers both in the dining room and bedrooms. These chairs are high with long legs and a food tray. It means they are specifically used for napping and feeding children.

Wrapping Up!

Bedrooms accommodate various furniture other than beds. These types of furniture are a great way to add style and elegance to the room. The above ideas for furniture design for bedrooms range from traditional, contemporary, and luxurious to modular and royal. It's up to you to choose the style without limiting and compromising on elegance and storage. Wondering where to get the ideal material from? Look no further than CenturyPly

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