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What are Wood Veneers & What Makes Them A Great Surface Solution

What are Wood Veneers & What Makes Them A Great Surface Solution - CenturyPly

When it comes to interior decor, metal, PVC, glassware, etc. all have their place in design and styling. However, wood or its by-products are the most trusted for their natural warmth and ability to create a cozy ambiance. Professionals like realtors, interior decorators, contractors and also homemakers all heavily relied on wood to create a welcoming home or office interior design but wood is not a cheap investment.

With constant innovation in the decoratives industry, it was now possible to retain all the desirable traits of wood and its luxurious appearance without the added costs. This manifested itself as natural wood veneers. Natural wood veneers bring consistency to any wood project, while still retaining the look and natural beauty of various wood species.


What are Wood Veneers & What Makes Them A Great Surface Solution - CenturyPly

Natural Wood Veneers are simply thin slices of wood made by rotary cutting or slicing of the log. The appearance of veneers varies, depending on how a piece of log is cut. The process of the veneer production begins when timber logs are brought in, which are then measured, sorted and stored. Before the peeling process, wood is softened in order to cut it into smooth veneer of even thickness. For this purpose, the logs are soaked in hot water for some time. The time and temperature of water vary from species to species. After careful measuring, the moist, warm logs are Crown/Quarter/Rift/Rotary cut into thin layers called veneer flitches. Long but thin slices of wood appear. 

Please follow the below steps. The stages can be collated in a single paragraph without mentioning the headers:

1. Preparing the logs

The wooden logs need to be cut in a very specific way. Every log has to be cut in a way that enhances the grain on the final veneers.

2. Steaming

After filches are made, they are steamed in boiling vats, which softens them for slicing. This process can also bring out the colour of the wood.

3. Slicing

After the wood is softened, filches are sent to slicers which slices them into veneer leaves.

4. Drying

The sliced veneer leaves need to have the excess moisture removed from them, for which they are sent to the special dryers.

5. Edge cutting/Clipping

The sliced veneers are not in proper shape. The leaves are then sent to the clipper with cuts off the edges to bring parallel edges to the veneers.

6. Splicing and End Tapping

The leaves are then stitched together seamlessly to produce standard sizes and then end tapped for pressing.

7. Pressing

The leaves are then pressed on pre-glued substrates to create veneer panels.

8. Sanding and Finishing

Before the veneers are packed, they are sent to sanding areas where they are given the decorative finishing.


What are Wood Veneers & What Makes Them A Great Surface Solution - CenturyPly

Even though the manufacturing process is elaborate and sophisticated, natural wood veneers are cost effective when you take into account the waste management processes, use of fast growing trees and so on

The result is a panel for an entire project that is unique, sophisticated and luxurious looking.

 Veneers are a value-for-money product. Instead of spending a couple of thousand rupees on solid wood, you get the same beauty with veneer sheets at a fraction of the cost.

One of the primary advantages of veneers is that since they are thin pieces of wood glued together, they have a lesser tendency to warp or split as you may experience with solid wood.

Maintaining veneered surfaces is easy—just cleanthe furniture once a week and wipe it with a clean microfiber cloth every now and then to maintain the lustre of your furniture.

Veneers come from natural wood and hence, maintain an elegance and grace that is not found in other materials. The patterns on trees are always a little different from each other.  Their distinctive nature adds a rich feel to the furniture.

Natural veneers can never go out of style, primarily because they are made with a renewable source like trees. They are environment friendly in nature and are non-hazardous to human health. This ensures that you can create stunning home décor without compromising on the health of your loved ones.

There are some ideas that you conceive of that simply aren’t practical when using solid wood. Veneers are thin and that is why they can be used for a variety of purposes. Solid wood will contract and expand in reaction to changing temperature and humidity conditions whereas veneers stay the same.

Veneers also act as a protective shield for the furniture or panels they cover. It adds a layer of protection that prevents spills, stains, scratching from ruining your furniture. Veneers themselves are very durable and amplify the strength of the furniture. 

Natural wood veneers are a godsent for those looking to impart gorgeous, wood-like appearance to their furniture without burning a hole in their pockets. They help you maintain the old world charm of solid wood without the wood wastage or compromise on looks or functionality. Check out our vast range of natural wood veneers here:

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