Transform Your Space: Inspiring Ideas for dining rooms with Exclusive Laminates, designed by Manish Malhotra
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Transform Your Space: Inspiring Ideas for dining rooms with Exclusive Laminates, designed by Manish Malhotra

Dining rooms are places where meals are shared and enjoyed. But they also play a crucial role in promoting a sense of togetherness and nourishment. Whether it's a simple family dinner or a celebratory feast, the dining room helps in making conversations and connections and creating lasting memories.

Laminates have the remarkable quality to enhance the appeal of dining rooms because of the endless design possibilities they offer. By using laminates creatively, you can create a dining room that represents your style, enchants your guests, and turns every meal into a memorable experience. And when it comes to adding style and innovation, who could do it better than a renowned designer?

Table of Contents

Ways to Transform Your Dining Rooms with Laminates Designed by Manish Malhotra

   ○ Dining Tables

   ○ Accent Walls

   ○ Stylish Storages

   ○ Bar Counters

   ○ Seatings and Dining Chairs

   ○ Sideboards and Buffets

   ○ Wall Panels

   ○ Room Dividers


Ways to Transform Your Dining Rooms with CenturyLaminates by Manish Malhotra

These exclusive decorative laminates bring Manish Maholtra's unparalleled creativity and artistic vision to the realm of interior design. Specifically designed for exotic spaces, these laminates offer the perfect blend of luxury, elegance, and contemporary flair. Mentioned below are some ideas that can help you transform your dining space into a stunning and unforgettable setting.

Dining Tables

The focal point of any dining room is its dining table. You can use laminates to transform or enhance its appearance. Apply the Lazulite Royale, Knight Garden, Moroccan Geranium, etc., to the tabletop for a stylish and durable finish. These laminates are also easy to clean and maintain. Therefore, you do not have to worry about spills and splatters anymore. Explore the various elegant patterns, textures, or bold designs to add a touch of sophistication to your dining areas.

Accent Walls

You can easily elevate the ambience of a dining room by creating an accent wall. Laminates designed by Manish Malhotra can help you add depth, texture, and visual interest to your spaces. Use designs such as the Knight Garden, Autumn Primrose, Lavante Royale, etc., on one wall of your room to create a striking focal point. Choose laminates with bold designs or metallic finishes to complement the room's overall look. Thus, you can make a stunning backdrop for your munching area and impress your guests.

Stylish Storages

You can also use decorative laminates to add functional and fashionable storage units or cabinets in your dining areas. Apply laminates such as Gentle Lei, Lemongrass and Salmon Floral, Florid Canvas, etc., on cabinet doors or sides to bring a touch of Manish Malhotra's elegance and style to your home. However, make sure you choose the ones that coordinate with the colours of your room and enhance the overall aesthetics of the space.

Bar Counters

Adding glamour to your bar counter or drinks area with laminates such as the Emphatic Tapestry, Grace Insignia, Carnation, etc. They work well on the counter's surface and create a durable and easy-to-clean and maintain. Choose laminates with stylish finishes or textured patterns to add visual interest and make your bar counter stand out.

Seatings and Dining Chairs

Use laminates on your dining chairs and other seating areas to revitalize them and give them a fresh look. Doing so even adds durability to the chairs and seats, making them more sturdy. Choose laminates with elegant patterns or fabric-like finishes such as Braid Insignia, Fern Aura, Gala Popper, etc. These laminates can not only enhance the visual appeal but also make it easier to clean the chairs as they withstand the rigours of daily use.

Sideboards and Buffets

Often dining rooms have display areas or sideboards that are used for storage buffet arrangements or displays. Laminates such as the Soothing Tapestry, Radiant Monk, Spatial Insignia, etc., can help you enhance your style and functionality. Apply these laminates to the surface of sideboards or buffets to add a touch of sophistication and durability.

Wall Panels

You can use laminates on large wall panels to add an artistic backdrop to your room. These wall panels will help you create memorable dining experiences. Opt for laminates with unique patterns, textured finishes, or vibrant colours such as Matching Rehau Edgeband, Fiji Bloomberry, Umber Figurine, etc., as they help in adding depth, character, and a sense of artistic expression to your dining rooms.

Room Dividers

Use laminates on room dividers to enhance the style of the dining room and utilise the space effectively. Whether you want to create different sections or have a private dining space, applying laminates such as Exotic Corolla, Hawaiian Bloomberry, Calacatta Art etc., to dividers can help you enhance the overall style. The intricate patterns, textures, and bold designs of these laminates make them unique and will surely garner the attention of anyone in the room.


Laminates have become popular for interior decorators and homeowners due to their extensive range of colours, patterns, and textures. The CenturyLaminates by Manish Malhotra showcase unique designs that range from regal and glamorous to playful and contemporary. Whether you want a sleek and modern look or a warm and vintage ambience, these decorative laminates can achieve the desired effect effortlessly. So use them and embark on a journey to transform your dining space into a work of art!

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