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Set a style statement with beautiful office facades

Now that the offices are reopening after a long break, least to say, the offices need a fresher and a reviving look for the employees to actually leave their ‘laidback summers’ from the quarantine period to come back to their place of work, where they used to spend a big chunk of their day.

But how do we do that?

The easiest and doable answer to this is to opt for a makeover that is not complex at all. Our first choice will be to start from the very first look of your office space, that is, its exterior!

Alright. What about the exterior?

These beauties offer a great facade solution with a wide variety which you can choose according to the persona of your office. Here are some of the reasons why CenturyExteria is the one that can work to make the boring appeal of the exterior of any corporate building an attractive one:

1. The quality of the decor paper is outstanding:

Unlike other local exterior grade manufacturers who may not use the best version of craft paper, CenturyExteria chooses to opt for quality. CenturyExteria chooses either European or Japanese acrylic craft paper for the wall-cladding which are so premium in quality that it does not fade in a period of time or against the weather adversities for that matter.

Colour fastness is one of those characteristics of CenturyExteria that is unmatchable to any other exterior grade laminates that are there in the market.

2. It is perforation friendly: Unlike other ordinary dry cladding members, CenturyExteria steps way ahead to offer the exterior grade laminates that are perforation friendly. With these perforated laminates, one can choose any symbol or design that is significant to the organisation or otherwise, sets a tone for the building.

3. Wide range: When it comes to styling, we understand that we all want to go all out about different patterns and arrangements. Taking everything in account, CenturyExteria offers an immense range of exterior grade laminates, so that you do not have to let your creative horses stop while designing your corporate space.

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