Inverstors Disclosures | CenturyPly Say no to viruses and yes to good health!
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Say no to viruses and yes to good health!

We live in a world fighting an epidemic. The things we learnt from this pandemic is the unpredictable nature of diseases and the need for good health. The nature of infections is unforeseen and the only way to protect ourselves is to follow protocols while we keep ourselves hygienic and clean.

Keeping oneself safe and protecting themselves from possible viral infections is absolutely necessary. In today’s world it has become harder and most people opt to stay ahead of the spread by staying at home. Whether you spend most of your time at home or you have work that expects you to step out, it becomes essential to constantly clean yourself and your surroundings and stay sanitised. Maintaining and cleaning your house can be a task and the furniture can become an additional burden. Your hands, your clothes, your accessories, your house and everything needs constant hygiene checks. Wooden furniture is seen and used in almost every corner of the house. From furniture to cabinets to window panes and doors, plywood is utilised to give you sturdier and good looking interiors. Some people opt to design their bathrooms and furniture in wooden interiors too and with all the plywood around the house, it is no surprise that cleaning becomes a routine. 

Thinking about the outright need of keeping up with sanitation, it is judicious to do considerably more. Sanitising and staying tidy comes at the cost of good health. On the off chance that you think it is hard to do so, then we have an answer to wipe your concerns and infections away. Protect your interiors with CenturyPly ViroKill technology and dispose of infections completely.

Centuryply’s Virokill technology is designed keeping in mind the consumers’ safety and comfort. Cleaning your plywood with disinfectants and sprays is a task and can inadvertently affect the life of your furniture. Scratching every surface with chemicals and not expecting side effects? These chemicals can not only affect the durability of your plywood but the remnants on your furniture can also pose other damages to health. Factors apart from stepping out like settled dust, humidity, spilled food and unclean surfaces can equally pose a threat to your health.

This remarkable innovation has a self-sustaining technique to kill viruses as well as different microorganisms like parasites, fungus and bacteria. Wood with ViroKill implanted into it, is fit for breaking the cell layer of the microbes that pose harm to your wooden articles. ViroKill is an innovation that can shield your furniture from infections as well as equip them into a fighter against viruses. This nano-engineered technology works by embedding the nanoparticles with antiviral, anti-bacterial, antifungal and anti-microbial properties into the polymer matrix of the plywood killing 99.99% germs. Being thermostable, your plywood can sustain against any radiation from the sunlight or moisture and does not affect the chemical neutrality of the furniture. With this innovation, the furniture repulses and kills a wide range of infections to safeguard your wellbeing. As soon as a virus interacts with your antiviral furnishings, the ViroKill layering breaks the cell organelle of the infection. Following a couple of hours, the infection is killed as its cell is harmed and can't support itself. Virokill is designed to keep the consumers safe from viruses and hence, the chemically treated plywood is completely safe to humans and does not harm a person.

Keeping you safe from viruses, itself protected against pests and insects, Virokill makes your plywood the perfect partner in a pandemic prone environment. CenturyPly also promises against duplicate plywood and gives you durable and reliable protection. So what’s stopping you from saying ‘NO’ to viruses now?

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