Doors That Make You Go WOW!
“Look at every exit as an entry to somewhere else.”
That is the exact story of a door! It connects two parallel worlds together. When you are about to enter any house, your first rendezvous is with the door of that house and when you have entered the premises, you close the door behind to complete your transition from outside to the indoor of the house.
Doesn’t this make the door to be the show ‘starter’ of your home?
For this reason, it is vital that we give the doors of our homes the best of the looks they deserve. But this surely doesn’t mean that we compromise on other important aspects, like that of strength and durability. This makes choice-making even more difficult than it usually is.
But with this blog, we are here to take you out of this fix.
How to add that ‘wow’ factor with your doors?
Known to put innovation at work, CenturyPly offers a versatile range of doors that not only are the strongest, but also an ace in their appeal. In this regard, let us talk about the Decorative range of CenturyDoors.
Unlike other regular doors, the Decorative CenturyDoors do not take a backseat when it comes to style and finesse. We at CenturyPly, understand that how important is it for you to give a classy look to your house while taking care of the safety aspect.
Let’s go on a window-shopping for the doors:
Everyone likes their coffee to be sieved as per their likes. The same goes with the doors as well. Some like the laminated doors, while others are fans of panelled doors. For this reason, CenturyDoors gives you three different varieties of doors with many designs in each category:
1. Century Laminated Doors: Taking care of the latest trends from India and beyond, Century laminated doors are ready-to-use doors, giving you relief from the tedious task of collecting raw materials and constructing them from scratch.

These are not only A1 by looks, but also take care of other important aspects like being bend-proof and slam proof. Century Laminated doors come with a warranty period of 7 years.
2. Century Veneered Doors: A fabulous combination of beauty and strength, these doors are made with CenturyVeneers, which is known for its premium style and high mechanical strength. These doors are quite promising in giving you a long-lasting beautiful appeal as they are not only climate stable but also warp- and any other sort of high impact resistant.

3. Sainik Laminated Doors: Demarcated from the Century Laminated doors, Sainik Laminated Doors come with the goodness of providing you with the impeccable features that Sainik plywood gives at a price that is affordable to you.
Expect termite and borer proof, waterproof doors that are laminated with high-pressure laminates to give it a strength of a warrior along with the an artistic finish

Bringing down the curtains:
So, if you are looking for doors that come with the dual benefits of durability and beauty, you now know what is going to be the right choice for you.
Look for Century Decorative Doors at:
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