Checking authenticity of plywood was never this easy
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Checking authenticity of plywood was never this easy

If you are someone who is currently revamping their living spaces or planning to do so in the near future, you know how tedious the whole process can be. With a plethora of jobs ranging from ordering the materials to ensuring you get the interiors you have yearned for, the complete project can be quite overwhelming. Infact now, with rising demands for materials, the probability of conned and being given counterfeit products is also unfortunately at an all time high. We are not here to scare you and make you overthink, but simply to make you aware of how currently in the market a huge amount of fake products are being sold which do not offer the revolutionary technologies that they offer and thereby creating a huge amount of district which affecting both the customers and the manufacturers.

While we cannot completely eradicate this tensing scenario completely, we are here to tell you that there are ways through which you can figure if you’ve been getting the value for money that you deserve. When it comes to plywood, one of the most versatile and popular choices for interior renovation, there is one name that grabs the spotlight and that is CenturyPly. One of the most trusted names in the country for manufacturing plywood, CenturyPly’s plywood comes with the most premium quality with fine attention to detail during its manufacture and unmatched technologies that makes these plywood stand apart from the rest. However, all these accolades mean nothing if you do not get the original CenturyPly plywood and are instead sold a counterfeit plywood.

To remove any doubt about the originality of their plywood, CenturyPly came up with a Century Promise to ensure that it’s consumers gets the best in quality plywood that they deserve.

Century Promise is an application that you can download from play store and app store that allows you to verify the genuineness of your plywood. It is an easy to use application that comes with a single-step process.

Basically, with every CenturyPly plywood that you purchase, there is a QR unique code enables you to distinguish between a genuine product from a fake one. This is present even in the case of bulk orders. After downloading the CenturyPromise application, you simply have to login or create an account if it’s your visit time and then using the code scanner feature present in the application, you can scan the unique QR code present on your CenturyPly product. After scanning the application informs you if you have a genuine CenturyPly product and thereby ensuring that you are getting the premium quality product that you were promised. 

Besides showcasing the specification of your product and storing information for reference, the CenturyPromise application also provides you with the feature of downloading your e-warranty card for future use.

So no matter what your future project be, when it comes to genuine quality products that would never let you down, you know that CenturyPly is the best choice for you. Learn more about CenturyPromise at this link:

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