CenturyPly Firewall: The Future of Fire Protection
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CenturyPly Firewall: The Future of Fire Protection

To beautify your home or personal space, you might prefer installing wooden furnishings or plywood in multiple areas to add a natural touch. It makes your places shine and sparkle and adds charisma and beauty to your spaces. However, when covering your spaces with wooden furnishings and plywood, you must prioritise safety from all fire accidents.

To ensure the safety of your spaces covered with wood furnishings, CenturyPly has brought forward their innovative Firewall technology to keep you very free from such concerns.


In this article:

Why Choose Firewall Technology For Your Home?

CenturyPly's Firewall technology is crafted of nano-engineered particles that are leveraged in certain CenturyPly products. With the presence of this technology in your surroundings, you can prevent the spread of fire during any mappings. Moreover, it stops the plywood and wooden furnishings from burning to the core. Furthermore, not only does it help you in saving your belongings, but it also provides enough time to evacuate to a safer place and connect with the fire brigade.

Some of the major qualities of this technology that protects your home from any fire accidents are as follows:

Safeguard With Non-Hygroscopic Material

The Firewall technology doesn’t absorb huge amounts of moisture from its environment. Hence, it doesn’t degrade or rust with time and continues its functionality with the same efficiency level as a new product. This feature ensures that the technology safeguards your home, even when the CenturyPly plywood has been used for several years.

Slower Penetration Rate

One of the major features of the technology is its ability to slow the fire penetration rate into your wooden furnishings. For instance, plywood with a 19 mm density will take over 60 minutes for flames to penetrate through the sheet, and the burning rate will last up to 30 minutes. Hence, it provides you with enough time to be rescued to a safer place and collect your valuable belongings.

Nano-Engineered Particles

The Firewall technology is created with nano-engineered particles that include fire-resistant features. Hence, it ensures complete safety and resists flame penetration.

Less Smoke and Toxic Gas Emission

The innovative Firewall technology not only protects your home from fire hazards but also ensures that less smoke is generated from such fire accidents. The smoke generated harms multiple people present in that space. Hence, if you install something that not only creates less smoke but also generates lesser toxic gas emissions, then there are more chances of reduced suffocation and poisoning to individuals. This is another major reason why you must prefer installing CenturyPly products with Firewall technology in your homes.

The Structural Integrity of the Furnishings

The adhesives, nano-engineered particles, and inherent strength of the wood allow this technology to maintain its structural integrity, even after being exposed to fire. It comes with multiple safety layers that protect your homes at any cost.

Long Warranty

Products with Firewall technology come with an amazing warranty, which lasts for a long time. The longer you install this product in your surroundings, the higher the chances of your home being protected during such accidents.


The Firewall technology integrated into CenturyPly products lasts for multiple years and protects your home for its complete lifespan. This technology does not degrade over time and offers the same functionality and effectiveness. However, you must ensure that the product is not damaged physically, as it can affect the safety abilities of this technology.


The self-extinguishing property of Firewall technology stops the burning of your furnishings and plywood as soon as the fire source is removed.

No Delamination

Whenever a fire accident occurs, you might sprinkle or pour water at the location as a standard action. Hence, the firewall technology manufacturing department has taken complete responsibility to avoid any delamination when your plywood or wooden furnishings are exposed to water. This property avoids delamination because the plywood does not absorb any water.

Fire-Ready Homes With Firewall Technology

By acknowledging the characteristics and features of the firewall technology. You can stand confident enough to leverage these products in your home. Whether designing your bathroom, kitchen or bedroom, you can install this product at each corner. The Firewall technology is authentic and has been approved using the following tests:

  • Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute
  • National Test House Report
  • Spectrum Analytical Labs Limited

The research institutes mentioned above are among the most well-known for testing the performance and authenticity of these technology standards. The certificates and licenses obtained for Firewall technology are approved to verify its quality and strength.


CenturyPly's Firewall technology is a unique innovation that you will not come across in other interior products from different brands. This technology only comes from the renowned CenturyPly brand, which promises and guarantees its functionality and effectiveness along with standard guidelines.

For the safety and security of your home, choosing the right construction materials makes all the difference. Hence, make a smart decision by leveraging plywood with Firewall technology in different spaces of your home to experience multiple benefits, ranging from enhanced fire protection to durability and longevity. You can easily purchase CenturyPly products with Firewall technology through CenturyEshop.


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