A Closer Look at CenturyPly's Life-Saving Firewall Technology
In this era, the wooden ply you receive seems modernised but holds no additional quality features than a traditional one. Some sellers do not take a guarantee of the provided plywood. Clients always face problems in returning or exchanging their purchased items and even are not satisfied either. One of the major concerns of our public is a fire in the house!
CenturyPly has created plywood with firewall technology. The technology guarantees the safety of you and your residential places from sudden fire accidents. The firewall technology is authentic and only offered by CenturyPly in the plywood market.
Table of Contents
● Understanding Firewall Technology
● Benefits of Plywood with Firewall Technology
○ Slow Penetration of Fire
○ Low Flammability
○ Low Smoke Generation
○ No Flaking
● Is Firewall Technology Certified?
● Wrapping Up!
Understanding Firewall Technology
CenturyPly has used nano-engineered particles embedded in the plywood’s polymer matrix. The technology resists the flames of fire penetrating the plywood. The plywood with firewall technology is not just a surface treatment but a cross-sectional treatment, ensuring your plywood has a long life with greater strength and durability.
The plywood with firewall technology can be used anywhere in your residential places, including kitchens, bathrooms, and study areas, for numerous purposes such as manufacturing furniture, cupboards, and so on. Furthermore, the plywood can be used in offices, restaurants and other places if you want to safeguard your beautiful space from accidental fires.
Benefits of Plywood with Firewall Technology
Plywood with firewall technology offers numerous benefits that you can sleep in peace without worrying about saving lives in sudden fire accidents. Here are some of the following.
a. Slow Penetration of Fire
Traditional plywood serves as fuel to fire. CenruryPly’s plywood with firewall technology does not worsen the situation and resists easy penetration of fire flames. Unlike other traditional plywoods, CenturyPly’s plywood resists the spread of fire at your residents, providing you enough time to evacuate the home. It is proven that the plywood sheet will take a minimum of 50 minutes to penetrate fire, which is more than enough to save lives and even save your residential places.
b. Low Flammability
Flammability is the time that a plywood takes to catch fire. It is common with traditional fires that they work as fuel to fire. They first get ignited and let other related items catch fire, leading to igniting the home in a few minutes. CenturyPly’s plywood is tested. They take approximately 35 minutes to spread fire on the plywood surface, which also helps not to ignite other linked items. It gives time to stop the fire and call fire extinguishers if necessary.
It portrays that CenturyPly’s plywood with firewall technology works effectively over other regular plywood and offers safety to your life and your loved ones without any worries.
c. Low Smoke Generation
You must be wondering if the firewall technology can save you from the toxic gases released during the fire. And what if it itself creates toxic gases due to chemicals used in the technology? CenturyPly does not compromise on the features that satisfy your needs. The certain chemicals that have been used in CenturryPly’s plywood with firewall technology are eco-friendly and do not harm if inhaled.
Furthermore, unlike other regular plywoods, CenturyPly’s plywood with firewall technology aids in resisting the release of the overall gases during the burn. It helps to keep you breathing enough in accidental fires and gives you enough time to evacuate without any lung infections or injuries during the fire.
d. No Flaking
Many people are concerned that if they try to stop fire using water, it can damage the plywood further. The answer is no. You do not have to worry about using water to put the fire out! This is because the plywood also has the additional feature of moisture resistance.
If you end the fire with water, the water does not get absorbed into the layers of the plywood, and the fire is also put out from the surface. It helps to maintain the durability of your plywood for many years. The physical strength remains the same, with no flaky appearance on the surface of the plywood. The designs also do not get damaged easily.
Is Firewall Technology Certified?
CenturyPly has provided transparency of all the unique features and technology they have incorporated in their plywood. Some of the top certification sources that guarantee firewall technology after verifying its quality are
b. National Test House Report
c. Spectro Analytical Labs Limited
These are well-known institutions and research facilities that have tested firewall technology. The firewall technology has fulfilled all the criteria of satisfaction and has proved its capabilities. These certifications help you to evaluate the strength of the technology that you are unable to visualise through the naked eye.
The effective features of the technology claim to provide safety measures for your safety and your loved ones. Furthermore, CenturyPly is not taking additional charges for the firewall technology. It involves the features of their plywood in a flexible cost to pay.
Wrapping Up!
CenturyPly has worked on plywood and has launched plywood with firewall technology that not only resists fire but also resists the release of toxic smoke that can damage your health, including your loved ones. CenturyPly does not ask for additional cost for the technology as the features come with their existing qualitative plywood. If you want to save your life from sudden accidental fire., use plywood with firewall technology to save your life and live with no worries.
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