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1 nation. 1 plywood. 1 price.

It’s been a long day at work, you reach home, open your wooden door, enter the house and keep your jacket, keys, wallet and suitcase on your wooden table and then enter your kitchen to get some water, you open the wooden cabinets to get a tumbler, finally you get to the living room and sit back on your wooden couch. In a home that uses plywood in multiple ways, isn’t it an investment to get the best in the market products? And does best in the market mean the most expensive options?

Most people today confuse quality with cost. Every item that comes at a cost does not indicate that it is the best product in the market. More than finding a product that covers all factors in a plywood, looking for the one that suits your needs and requirements is a smarter choice and helps you save money. There are multiple options available in the market but Centuryply is here to help you find the right products that won’t hurt your pockets heftily.

Centuryply is India’s most trusted name in plywood. We design and manufacture plywood that meets our customers’ requirements and gives them genuine products and services. With this intention, we have a catalog full of products that best fit your plywood needs. A durable product that sustains itself against the harmful factors that damage your wooden furnishings, Ceturyply’s Sainik 710 is the right choice for you.

- Sainik 710 Is A Plywood Soldier

Sainik is a plywood that comes with multiple benefits, superior strength and durability like no other. Made with the best quality timber and more number of plies glued together with finest quality adhesive makes Sainik a strong contender for meeting your plywood needs.

- Resistant To Multiple Factors 

With enhanced strength and durability, Sainik 710 is bend resistant. Heavy objects and daily wear and tear pose no threat to this product. Additionally, it also comes with a high resistance to changing weather conditions. 

-  Waterproofing Benefits

You can also use Sainik in your kitchens and bathrooms because it is Boiling Water Proof Grade giving you more than just resistance against water. With a low moisture absorption rate, your furnishings are immune against softening and breaking down. Liquids, beverages and chemicals around these areas in your house are no threat to plywood anymore.

- Lives A Long Life

Apart from all the aforementioned points, Sainik is additionally borer and termite proof and keeps the pests at bay. It is completely safe and hygienic to humans and with all the benefits that come with Sainik 710, you can only expect it to live a long life. Centuryply promises an 8 year warranty on Sainik 710.

- Economical Price All Across The Country 

A plywood that comes with multiple benefits is not synonymous with an overpriced product that weighs your wallet lighter. Sainik 710 is an affordable option for everyone. It is the only plywood that is priced the same across the country. Following ‘One nation, One cost’, it is priced at 102 Rs per square foot (including taxes) and does not change regardless of where you’re getting it delivered to. It provides great value for money and cuts down unnecessary costs.

Finding products that match your requirements in today’s world can be too tiring, too pricey or sometimes settling for less. Beat all these problems by choosing Centuryply Sainik 710 today. With premium quality products, we also promise genuinity on all our plywood.

 You can read more about SAINIK 710 here: 

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