What is the difference between MDF and plywood?
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What is the difference between MDF and plywood?

While looking to get the home interiors done, most homeowners are caught in this dilemma — what to choose between MDF and Plywood, and why? Well, we have tried to make this decision a little simple for you, by listing what makes each of the materials important.

Though these two materials may have found a place in your home, they are definitely not interchangeable. Both are often used in building kitchens and modular furniture and like every other material, MDF and plywood come with their set of advantages and disadvantages. Given their frequency of use, we thought we’d give you a lowdown on the MDF vs Plywood comparison. A little extra information never did any harm, right?

MDF refers to medium-density fibreboard

MDF is medium-density fiberboard, which is basically engineered wood obtained by breaking down hardwood and softwood composites. Since an MDF board is made up of small wood fibres, there are no visible wood grains or knots. The fibres are joined together using wax to produce panels by applying pressure or high temperature.

Now that we know what an MDF board is composed of, we are sure you want to know how good or bad it is, MDF is generally cheaper when compared to plywood. The surface of an MDF board is very smooth and makes for a great base for painting.Thanks to the smooth edges, it is easy to cut and carve designs out of MDF. It is denser and stronger than a particle board.

Like MDF, plywood is also engineered wood, made by binding veneer wood sheets together into one solid piece. Plywood sheets come in different grades, so you can choose the right one that suits your needs. Unlike MDF, plywood has visible wood grains, but is free of other imperfections. Low-grade plywood can be used in flooring at homes, while the higher-grade version is perfect for cabinets and shelves.

Plywood has a lot of advantages that you could consider while getting it installed at your home. Made up of multiple layers of veneer, plywood is a tough material to use at home.It does not soak water and liquids like MDF. Thus, it is less susceptible to damage, because of the grains that plywood has, it is easier to sustain and thus makes for a great material for cabinets and tabletops. Since it is made up of layers, plywood holds screws tightly, as  each layer ensures better holding for the screw. This material comes in various designs and thicknesses the different.

MDF and Plywood both are amazing furniture materials. Both materials have their own strengths and also their loss. MDF and Plywood are used on the basis of their properties. MDF board would be the best option if you want a low budget and material for interior application. If you want material for an exterior application that can withstand moisture, then plywood is the best option.

 CenturyPly offers Industry’s best MDF or Plywood. Visit our website https://www.centuryply.com/ and buy what suits you! 

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