Veneer vs. Other Finishes: A Comprehensive Comparison
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Veneer vs. Other Finishes: A Comprehensive Comparison

When discussing interior decoration and furniture, laminate, plywood and solid wood have been quite popular for years. The majority of people have been using these options for different types of styling, creativity, and design for their interiors. However, at present, veneers are outstanding in popularity because of their amazing factors, including affordability, low maintenance and appeal. In addition, they are quite classy and functional. Hence, people prefer veneers over laminates, plywood and solid wood for most of their spaces at present.

Century veneers stand as the best element in the market to add a touch of sophistication and natural charm to your interiors, making a place worth living. This article explains to you the reasons why veneers stand above other finishes. However, let’s first acknowledge what veneers are.


In this article:

Understanding Veneers

Veneers are materials that come with thin wooden layers sliced from solid wood logs. These wooden layers are crafted from exotic wood species that are pretty expensive. Several home decor items, such as furniture, doors, wardrobes, and cabinets, are crafted with veneers, and they display amazing aesthetics, appeal, and luxury in commercial and residential spaces.

CenturyPly brings veneers in multiple designs, colours, and textures to you. Furthermore, they come with amazing properties, such as water resistance and borer resistance. Century veneers come with a warranty period of 7 years, offering the best to their customers.

How Do Veneers Outshine Other Finishes?

Veneers are the most convenient options available for home decor. They easily enhance the visual appeal of your spaces. You can select from a wide range of century veneers according to your taste and style and create amazing interiors. Some of the major reasons that make veneers outshine other finishes are as follows:

An Eco-Friendly Alternative

Amongst all the finishes available on the market, veneers stand as the most eco-friendly alternative. When solid wood is used to manufacture home decor and furniture, it results in cutting down several trees. At present, as people have shifted towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle in order to protect the environment, century veneer sheets are crafted from a single tree. Hence, these sheets fulfil people's demands without causing deforestation on a massive scale.


Veneers are crafted from shaving wooden logs in very thin layers. It makes them highly affordable as compared to the actual hardwood. When you purchase mahogany wood, it costs you a huge amount. However, if you prefer a chair, bed, table or cabinet crafted with mahogany veneer, it is quite economical. In addition, when selecting veneers over other finishes, you do not compromise on durability, strength, and quality. This major advantage of veneer fascinates manufacturing multiple customised home decor products.

No Compromise On Quality

With the advanced techniques used to manufacture century veneers, they come with uniform dimensions and thickness needed for large-scale projects. Moreover, the best quality adhesives used in the process also boost the durability of the veneers, making them the best among all the finishes.

Hassle-Free Installation

When you compare veneers from all the other interior decor and construction finishings available, it is the most flexible one available. Veneers can be curved, cut, and installed very easily using multiple methods. Hence, it makes them an amazing option amongst professional designers.


The production and manufacturing of veneers require less material. Moreover, it is also less labour intensive, which makes it highly affordable as compared to solid wood and other finishes. Hence, for those who have a restricted budget but still wish for the best interiors across their spaces, including bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and more, nothing compares with CenturyVeneers.

Minimal Maintenance

When you install solid wood, plywood, and other finishes across your spaces, you have to perform extensive care and maintenance for their upkeep and long-lasting beauty and functionality. However, this is not the case with veneers. Century veneers are quite resistant to scratches and stains, and they need only a little maintenance to keep their appearance. Simply wiping up the surface of these veneers with a damp cloth can keep them looking fresh and new.

Sustainability With CenturyVeneers

To prefer veneers over other finishes comes with multiple practical and environmental benefits

  • Veneers enhance the usage of timber by cutting out several thin sheets from only one log. This ultimately reduces the waste as compared to traditional lumber milling.
  • Using veneers allows the usage of exotic wood species without adding to deforestation, as it needs less material.
  • Its production is quite energy efficient as it generates lesser greenhouse gas emissions when compared to other finishes.


Even though solid wood, plywood and laminate have their own charm and functionality, veneers come with a sustainable, elegant, and practical alternative. Furthermore, it is much easier to maintain and install and is quite adaptable to multiple design requirements. Century veneers come with a commitment to environmental responsibility and quality, offering a versatile range that is a blend of functionality and beauty. Hence, it is an amazing choice for modern furnishings and interiors. Whether you demand a natural atmosphere, a warm look or a contemporary space, century veneers come with reliability and versatility that stays unmatched with other finishes.


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