Starke boards can actually make any space look spacious
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Starke boards can actually make any space look spacious

Now learn the art of segregating your space in an organic manner to make it look more spacious, brighter and beautiful with the right usage of PVC boards.

Centuryply is India’s leading manufacturer in meeting housing needs. To give your spaces the kind of protection and beauty it requires, we make high quality products that fit right into it. From your residential to commercial space, a little moving around and organising can help adjust your spaces to your needs and customize a room for the purpose it serves. Centuryply keeps up with new age trends and in our New Age Products catalog, we bring to you Century PVC Boards which is the future of materials that fit into your construction and housing needs. 

What are Century PVC Boards?

Century PVC board sheets are eco-friendly and enduring products which can replace conventional building blocks. They decrease the effect on the climate and are easy to use. Starke PVC sheets are generally utilized for making furniture, in wet regions, as sign sheets, display boards and in construction applications.

What are the benefits of using this?

Lightweight and user friendly, these are not difficult to keep up with or utilize around your space. They have a high protection from fire and are even resistant to water, termites and borers. Starke PVC sheets are designed to help fit into your housing needs be it as a countertop or inside your closet.

How can I embed it into my space?

PVC boards can fit into your commercial or residential spaces easily. They can be used for decor or practicality needs. Here are a few ideas you could consider - 

-      Wall Partitions

To cut down the space in a large room or you build cubicles around the office, PVC boards are a simple but great choice for wall partitions and segregating space. They come in sizes that you require and are durable enough to replace an actual wall. Without having to invest in building an actual wall, one can use PVC boards which are also easy to assemble and disassemble according to your needs.

-       Doors And Door Frames

Bathroom doors and outdoor exits are prone to rough usage, daily wear and tear, water and harsh weather conditions. To replace these, the perfect option is PVC boards as they are lightweight and easy to use materials. Centuryply has options that cater to these needs and are ready to use products.

-       Closet and storage space partitions

Closets and storage spaces, if not designed with a certain intent on the products that are stored, can become either too big or spacious or consume space which goes unused. To save this problem from happening, using PVC boards, you can create separations inside your closets and storage spaces to fit your design and structural needs. They are lightweight but durable enough to meet your necessities.

-       Decor items

These beautiful looking PVC boards can be used across a residential space in bathrooms, kitchens, even bedrooms to enhance the look of your spaces and give it a sophisticated look. In commercial spaces, it can be used in conference rooms or lining walls that need to stand out. In both uses, PVC boards serve style needs.

Starke PVC boards are Centuryply’s eco-friendly initiative to give your spaces an instant upgrade with light weight, easy to use and beautiful looking materials that can be used for when you need them and recycled. Pick Starke PVC boards and optimize the usage of your indoors.

Learn more about our new age products here:




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