Renovate your Home with the Asli Waterproof Plywood
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Renovate your Home with the Asli Waterproof Plywood

While ‘change is the only constant’, beautiful changes are what we need to rejuvenate our own selves. A home is a place where we spend most of our lives. This makes it all the more vital to renovate our living space in a way that pleases us and preserves our sanity.

Unlike those resorts, where expensive wooden work is an affordable affair, our homes need a renovation that is feasible economically without compromising on the quality. For this, CenturyPly brings to you Sainik 710.

How is it going to help us in renovation?

1. Asli WaterProof Ply - With a plethora of options in the market, water resistance is easily achievable with many plywoods. But how many of them are actually waterproof?

CenturyPly Sainik 710 is an established boiling waterproof plywood.

2. Pocket-friendly - Sainik 710 is so reasonable that you wouldn’t think twice before spending peanuts for the quality it offers.

3. Hand-holding warranty - You might have heard of warranty periods as long as 2 years but with our 8 years warranty period, we, at CenturyPly prove that longevity is so subjective. No?

Transform your home into a ‘home-cation’ with Sainik 710!

Now that we know about the ‘warrantied’ water safeguard that CenturyPly Sainik 710 offers, let us move on to recreate our living space as per our whims and fancies.​​​​​​​

For a therapeutic bath:

How about transforming your bathroom into something as therapeutic as a spa? The subtle wooden integration in a bath space reverberates calmness and catalyse the process of relaxing your physical and mental being.

With Sainik 710, ensure that your bathing space regains its charm and retain it for a longer period with no issue of structural disintegration for years to come.

So, are you ready to spend more time in your ‘relaxing station’?

For a culinary expertise:

There is no doubt that when you have a kitchen that resembles those of the popular cooking shows, you go beyond the regular cooking to enhance your skills of culinary art.​​​​​​​

With Sainik 710, ensure that your learning has that ambience to it for a longer period, at an affordable price.

Haven’t you already picked out those recipes that you want to try in your renovated kitchens?

For a ‘dine-out in your own ‘dining’:

Imagine your dining area to be something like you experience in any restaurant. The fine finish of your dining table will automatically convert your staple food into ambrosia and give that sense of satisfaction to your taste buds.

With Sainik 710, you have to worry no longer about water or any other spillage on your dining table. There is no chance of delamination with the true waterproof plywood from the house of CenturyPly.

Ready to take your children ‘in’ for dinner?

For the sake of indoor greens:

Indoor greens have been trending not only for the environmental purposes but because they add that necessary colour to your living space.

However, we often become reluctant on the account that it risks the life of wooden tables that hold those freshening greens. Watering plants, maintaining their health by soil mixing aren’t the safest of activities when it comes to your furniture.

With its BWP grade and the unmatchable strength of Sainik 710, you do not have to worry about any of this.

In case you are convinced about renovating your homes, make CenturyPly Sainik 710 your choice of plywood:

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