Make Your Dream Kitchen a Safe and Beautiful Place
Whether you're entertaining guests over a
delicious recipe that you mastered recently or chilling with your family with
experimental cooking on a weekend, it's only justifiable that you would want
your kitchen to be a delightful place where you can unleash the chef within
with the right decor spangled all over from the cutlery to the cabinets.
However, moving beyond the flowery part, the
kitchen is not just about being aesthetically appealing but also equally about
being safe and able to endure rough and tough usage. More so, when the
fire-related accidents have been on the rise in the country. This room in your
house is the most prone to fire, and so one doesn't actually hold any option to
be careless with laying fire safety measures in the kitchen.
To make things safer and easier for you, the
house of CenturyPly has recently launched the
revolutionary Firewall technology that is embedded into the polymer matrix of
plywood, instilling it with utmost fire-fighting properties. This fire-retardant plywood
is the best option when it comes to making your dream kitchen a safe and
beautiful place.
Moreover, as we know, suffocation is one of
the leading causes of fatalities in case of fire accidents; this fire-retardant
plywood is carefully designed to emit less smoke and other toxic gases, making
way for smoother rescue operations.
This indeed sounds interesting. So, without
further ado, let's find more reasons to shield your kitchen with this
fire-retardant plywood:
Fire-retardant plywood
is considerably different from regular plywood. Standard plywood is notably
famous for quickly spreading fire in case of an unfortunate event. But, on the
other hand, the fire-retardant plywood is embedded with chemical properties to
contain the fire for approximately 50 minutes. This feature keeps the safety
quotient a notch higher. Moreover, if the fire source is removed, the plywood
would self extinguish and help in saving lives and property.

Term View Point
Firewall technology is not a surface coating. It is deep-seated inside the polymer matrix
of plywood. Thus, making the fire-fighting property last as much as the
integrity of plywood is maintained. Moreover, polishing and elevating the
furniture with decorative surfaces doesn't affect this inherent trait.
Right Out of Your Dream Designs
Firewall technology is currently available with the premium Architect Ply
and Club Prime plywood
at no extra costs. Both these types are completely waterproof and resistant to
borers and termites, making them felicitous for making timeless kitchen

So, if you are looking
to renovate your kitchen into a gorgeous space, CenturyPly has got you
covered. We have said it before, and we'll say it again: equip your kitchen
with the ultimate fire protection with revolutionary firewall technology. Click
here to know more
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