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Laminated side tables can elaborate your bedroom

Remember those times when you went to a hill station and decided to stay in a 5-star property? Those bedrooms surely had the interior worth spending for. The cushioned beds, soft comforter, soothing lighting, the big screen and the furniture that was elevating the overall look and feel of the ambience.

Well, you will be surprised if we tell you that you could replicate the same look for your own house too! The amount that you spend for 4 days, 3 nights trip, is actually a fair amount to redecorate your own interior as per the industry standards followed by the top-class hotels.

An easy and affordable way to start is to start small without making any big decisions in haste and regretting over them for long. So, we suggest that you start with the side tables that change the whole outlook of your bedroom without actually changing much! Not even the main component of your bedroom, that is, the bed.

Here are some inspirations for you to follow for the side tables for your bedroom:

1. The classic choice:

When it comes to side tables, most of us tend to keep it simple with the very basic, minimal yet attractive.

How do we achieve this contrasting combination?

It is actually simpler than it looks. Simply choose the laminate that goes well with the theme of your bedroom. Use this for the square or round tables that you think will match the geometry of your room as a whole.

In most cases, our beds are either laminated in white or some wooden texture. This makes it even simpler to choose the laminates for your side tables.

2. A creative catch: 

Although classic is the most opted choice, some prefer to change the ongoing and set their own trend. For those, here is how you can change them forever with the laminated side art piece rather than a table. Such block structures give a creative punch to your room and also solves the issue of utility.

You see, the normal tables are much of storage drawers rather than a display of art. But this, friend, is a marvellous thought.

3. A combined chest:

Who says there has to be a side table at all?

You can simply opt for a hybrid spacing solution in lieu of your table. This leaves you with ample of floor space and makes your room look spacious than usual. 

Laminate such sides with exactly the same laminate that you used for your bed support. This will leave an impression as if the side is an attached part of the bed only.

There are many other ways through which you can amp up your bedroom space. Let us come up with more inspirational interiors for you in upcoming blogs.

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