How CenturyPly's Firewall Technology Ensures Unmatched Safety
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How CenturyPly's Firewall Technology Ensures Unmatched Safety

From faulty appliances to flammable supplies, there are multiple objects in one’s home, enough to start an outrageous fire, causing irreparable damage. The kitchen is the most susceptible of a zone, and the wooden doors and windows at home also contribute by default. Facilitating the fire to spread eventually.  But what if someone tells you now you have self-extinguishable, fire-resistant plywood for doors and windows? That’s interesting, right?

CenturyPly, as a leading manufacturer in plywood, is all set to help you with the latest innovation - Firewall Technology. Here, you can choose from various plywood varieties with the most efficient fire-fighting ability. So far, these products have been certified as the best-in-class fire-safe plywood types, and there are multiple reasons. Continue in the blog to get a detailed overview.

Table of Content

●   What is Firewall Technology? - A Comprehensive Overview

●  Benefits Of Purchasing Plywood With Firewall Technology

●   Products With Firewall 

●   Conclusion

What is Firewall Technology? - A Comprehensive Overview

It only takes a few seconds for a fire to spread across a room and devastate the daily living of a happy family. House fires are always unintentional, but the damage caused is quite a problematic one - leading to loss of life and property. However, taken the proper care, things can be altered for the better. In that case, you can always use plywood for doors and windows from CenturyPly - equipped with firewall technology and take the right steps from your end to terminate hazards.

The firewall technology assures adequate delay in spreading fire and will not let the door and windows act as a medium. It has been curated after continuous research and development efforts by a dedicated team of experts. The plywood types are provided with unique designs to eliminate the damage rendered by fire to life and property.

Why Choose Plywood With Firewall Technology From CenturyPly?

Moving on, the points will help you as an adequate guide, answering the question ‘Why?” 

Low On Flammability

Flammability is the total time for the fire to spread through the entire plywood and the rest of the frame. The CenturyPly plywood with firewall technology does not catch fire that easily! As per demonstrations and reports, it takes 30 to 35 minutes for the flames to spread over the surface . Which is quite lower than the other regular ply available with high ignition levels.    

Self-Extinguishing Technology Involved

Firewall ply comes incorporated with uniquely formulated nano-engineered particles. These are rightfully capable of resisting ignition or flame penetration. Thus, it can adequately douse the fire, too, once the ignition source is cut off. With firewall technology equipped ply at home, the damage percentage will be proportionately low compared to a regular ply installed.

Less Smoke Emission

The development team at CenturyPly ensures that the firewall technology-equipped ply is treated over a unique combination of the right fire-retardant chemicals. The result is a low quantity of smoke or any toxic gases otherwise released within the premises of a building on fire. The victims stuck inside are less likely to suffocate or get unconscious by inhaling poisonous gases released under the influence of fire.

Adequate Structural Integrity

People stuck in a house or a building on fire also tend to lose their lives as doors, windows, and structures fall on them. But that is where plywood, with firewall technology by CenturyPly, stands differently. The adhesives used and the inherent strength of the woods offer the ultimate integrity to the plywood. Thus preventing it from falling off that easily after being subjected to a heavy fire.


Besides being fire-resistant, plywood, equipped with firewall technology, is low on moisture absorption rate. Even if you use water to extinguish the fire or simply wash off the residues from the accident, the plywood will never absorb any water, retaining physical integrity at its best. 

Products With Firewall 

Firewall technology remains intact for as long as the structural integrity of the product is maintained. And the best part is, this is not a surface treatment! The technology includes using nano-engineered particles embedded inside a plywood’s polymer matrix. Currently, the ArchitectPly and ClubPrime range is available with the firewall technology.

In case you are wondering if the firewall technology is legitimate and comes with adequate certifications. Then, for your information, it is! Below are some of the top certification sources that guarantee the proper authenticity of the technology involved.


●   National Test House Report

●   Spectro Analytical Labs Limited

Other than being thoroughly safe from fire hazards at home, the firewall plywood comes as:

●   Borer and termite proof

●   Equipped with virokill technology (safe from bacteria and fungus)

●   Boiling water proof


No one can predict the place, time and intensity of hazards caused by fire. So, to save yourself from such unprecedented devastation, it is essential to pick fire-retardant plywood while designing the home or office space. Ensure you are investing in the right product, confirm your by over CenturyEshop or get the types verified - by downloading the CenturyPromise App. 

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