Germs Free Surfaces at Home are Easier Than Ever
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Germs Free Surfaces at Home are Easier Than Ever

Table of contents:
- Sanitise your everyday use accessories
- Clean railings and knobs
- Wipe down the office
- Sanitise your kitchen sink


We all have lately done it hundreds of times, rubbed hands with soaps and sanitisers,
scrubbed the surfaces at our homes with antibacterial wipes, tried to use our shoulders or
elbows to try to open the bathroom door in public places— all in an attempt to keep those
scary, nasty, invisible microorganisms away. But what if all these measures are just an
exercise in futility? Is it really possible to keep germs away by sanitising our hands

Some surfaces at home, such as everyday used furniture, are frequently touched by our hands
or come in contact with our body fluids, allowing microorganisms of different kinds to settle
in and cause potential health problems. While it is impossible to achieve completely germ-
free surfaces, the House of CenturyPly has come with an antimicrobial surface technology
through which it has been able to come amazingly close to this goal. But how does it work?
And where to get it from? Please read on to know!

CenturyPly Virokill Technology

Enhanced antimicrobial activity: Achieving germ-free surfaces at home has become easier
than ever. Gone are the days when you had to scrub your furniture and other surfaces at home
with antimicrobial preparations to disinfect them. In an attempt to eliminate the microbes in
your homes and minimise them within your body, CenturyPly has innovated a highly
efficient Virokill Technology that tears apart and kills any microbes coming into contact
with it within minutes to a few hours. This technology has been imparted to our plywood and
laminates. It uses specially designed nanoparticles that act against microbes, leaving the
surfaces they have been used in safe and hygienic.

Elaborately tested: The technology has been elaborately tested in one of the most reliable
testing laboratories in the country located in Mumbai, the Biotech Testing Services (BTS)
and found to act against air-borne fungi, viruses, and bacteria that tend to come in contact
with surfaces, settle there for days, searching for a way to get transmitted to humans

Durability: If these surfaces are cleaned using the prescribed methods, the technology will
be effective for a lifetime. It can withstand normal temperature, humidity, and other
environmental conditions, but excessive exposure to sunlight, high temperatures, and
moisture conditions must be avoided.

Other tips to keep surfaces at home germ-free

1. Sanitise your everyday use accessories
Germs hang out on the accessories you use every day, such as mobile phones, telephones,
video controllers, and TV remotes. Don’t forget to clean them once in a while with
disinfectant wipes. You can gently wipe off the dust from your TV screen using a damp
microfiber cloth. Clean spills and vacuum crumbs immediately, so bacteria and fungi don’t
dwell in your carpets.

2. Clean railings and knobs-
Germs tend to spread quickly on cabinet handles, doorknobs, faucets, railings, lamps, and
light switches. Make sure you sanitise these surfaces at least once a week with disinfectant

wipes. You must do it more often if someone at your home is sick or infected with COVID-
like illnesses.

3. Wipe Down the Office-
Desktops, laptop keyboards, and computer mouses are the breeding grounds for microbes,
especially if you have the habit of eating while you work or you share your equipment with
someone. Clean your keyboard and mouse often with dry wipes, or get them a cover that can
be washed frequently. Gently wipe your computer screen with a damp microfiber cloth.

4. Sanitise your kitchen sink-
It is no secret that the kitchen sink is one of the germiest places in the home. It is infested
with bacteria that come out of the dishes containing raw meats and other foods. You must
scrub it with a strong disinfectant every day to create a hygienic, germ-free environment at
your home.


Apart from maintaining hygiene, it is important to invest in the right products to stay healthy
and disease-free. To give that extra layer of protection to your home surfaces, click on this
link and order your CenturyPly and CenturyLaminates
today and get a doorstep delivery!

Enquire Now

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