5 steps towards fire safety
Table of contents:
➔ Introduction
➔ Growing concerns for house fires
➔ What causes fire hazards?
◆ Initiation
◆ Powerup
◆ Oxygen
➔ 5 steps towards fire safety
➔ Firewall—An innovation by CenturyPly
➔ Advantages of Firewall Technology
◆ Incredible Fire Resistance
◆ Fights Combustion Process
◆ Composed of Non Toxic Substances
➔ Key Takeaways
While every 5th fire death in the world is in India, the numbers are staggering. However simple precautionary measures and awareness in the past decade have proven to be good. In this article, we will be throwing some light on the newest innovative measure taken by CenturyPly to combat house fires—Firewall Protection.
We will also discuss the causes of house fires and preventive measures in detail. So let’s get right into it.
Growing concerns for house fires
Fire safety is gradually becoming a huge topic of concern for people in the country. Since the awareness is increasing so are the precautionary measures. Although it is not a very common threat for households yet the number of housefires in India is quite big.
The main reasons being:
● Shot-Circuits
● Electricity Overloads
● Unattended Cooking Stoves
According to a recent 195 nation analysis by Global Diseases Burden, there were records for 1.6 million cases of fire hazards and a whopping total of 27027 deaths throughout the nation. So where does the issue lie?
What causes fire hazards?
There are many causes that lead us to fire hazards. Most common are electrical overload and cooking stove malfunctions. However, the three main factors for every fire hazard are primarily the following:
1. Initiation-
A full blown fire or a small accident, they all start with something. The ignition usually starts with a spark, flame or chemicals.
2. Powerup-
Fuels such as petrol, wood materials, papers or any kind of combustible materials boost ignition furthermore.
3. Oxygen-
If there is a lack of oxygen, then the process of combustion stops. So oxygen also plays a factor in combustion.
Now in case of accidental fires, you do not have much control over the spark or oxygen but there are still many things you can control. Read further and know more about some great ways to make your home fire safe!
5 steps towards fire safety
Keeping the uncontrollable factors away, let’s talk about things you can control. Precautionary measures are always good for the long run. Here is something you can do to ensure fire safe homes.
1. Use of Insulated Wires-
Make sure to have good quality insulated wires to avoid any fire hazards caused by the short circuits.
2. Fire Extinguishers-
Not all fire hazards can be extinguished with water. It is best to keep fire extinguishers at hand to ensure fire safety.
3. Overload Equipments-
High load equipment such as machines and heating equipment like iron or kettles cause electricity overload. So keeping an eye out for overload while using such equipment is very important.
4. Unattended Gas Stoves-
Most of the fire hazards in residential areas are caused due to gas stove malfunction or unattended stoves. So in order to ensure fire safety, staying alert in the kitchen is a good way to avoid fire accidents.
5. Use of Fire-Retardant Plywood-
Fire-retardant plywood does not act as a fuel to fire but it helps in fighting it instead. CenturyPly offers a series of fire resistant plywood ranges infused with Firewall Protection which helps in keeping your home safe from fire damage. This is a smart move! Check out the points below to know more about the benefits of firewall plywood.
Firewall—An innovation by CenturyPly
CenturyPly Firewall Technology is best prepared to fight against the spread of fire as the plywoods are infused with protective coatings to reduce fire penetration and act as a fire extinguisher as the source of fire is stopped.
When building your dream home, don't forget to go one step further and choose the best plywood foundation. If you are considering investing in high quality plywood, always choose the Century Ply brand you can trust.
Advantages of Firewall Plywood
So what makes Firewall Plywood so special? The following are some of the interesting advantages of fire-resistant plywood:
1. Incredible Fire Resistance-
CenturyPly fire-resistant plywood delays the spread of fire. It is incomparable to regular raw plywood, which acts as a fuel and boosts combustion.
2. Fights Combustion Process-
Firewall Technology allows the plywood to resist catching fire for an extended period of time. However, it has been observed that it also slows the combustion process. This allows for slow fire penetration for up to 50 minutes( 19 mm under standard test condition ). As a result, the spread of fire is gradual.
3. Composed of Non Toxic Substances-
A lot of chemicals and smoke particles during combustion cause breathing problems and block the airways. Thus, it leads to deaths due to oxidation. The lack of oxygen in the body caused by the presence of smoke and chemicals is way more harmful than the damage caused by the fire hazard itself. Firewall Technology employs flame-retardant chemicals, resulting in less smoke production. As a result, any serious ramifications are avoided.
Key Takeaways
Housefires cause more psychological impact on people than the destruction itself. Make your home safe and protected with firewall technology. To know more about CenturyPly fire-resistant plywood click here: https://www.centuryply.com/firewall-technology
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