CenturyPly Natzura Design Pedia

Typically done only on lower grades of veneers, where knots, stains and other natural markings are allowed. Colours and grains vary, and pieces are often of different widths. RANDOM MATCH Every other leaf of veneer is turned over like the pages of a book. The grain is mirrored in each adjacent leaf. The visual effect created is that veneer joints match, creating a symmetrical pattern. Note: Because the tight and loose faces alternate in adjacent pieces of veneer, they may accept stains differently, resulting in a noticeable colour variation, called barber pole. These variations are not considered manufacturing defects. BOOK MATCH Often used with quarter sliced and rift sliced veneers, this is the process in which a sequence of matching veneer leaves or consecutive sheets of veneer are slipped out one after the next. This results in all the same face sides being exposed. The visual effect shows a grain gure repeating, but joints do not show grain match. Minimizes potential barber pole effect. SLIP MATCH In reverse slip matching, the veneer leaves are slipped out from under each other and every other veneer leaf is flipped end to end. This balances the character of the veneer on the panel face. REVERSE SLIP MATCH Care is taken to match up the colour of each of the veneer pieces, but not necessarily the grain. Patterns result in no colour contrast at the joints. PLEASING MATCH Veneer Matching Options 138